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CIRRUS SR22 - Buying, Owning, Maintenance

Today I made another short landing at my field and I realized that the actual touchdown happened at 50 knots – and the stall warning cam on again. So the above data was incorrect, because I did not look at the ASI at the moment of touchdown.
Landing roll to standstill was 200 m again … I really like those Beringer Brakes.

If you need brakes, you either chose too short of a runway or you landed too fast.

Well, this is not America where almost every runway is 6000 ft. If you want to go places (Helgoland island, 1500ft) you need to be able to fly to short runways here. One of the best Airports in my general area is LOWZ, Zell am See, landing distance available is 1900 ft), … and there’s many C-172 and PA-28 pilots who don’t dare to go there. I talked to the people who run the field and they know that the airport could be much more successful but that many pilots shy away from the short runway.

Does anybody have any information about this machine:

It is based at Stapleford (EGSG). I am looking at buying within the next few months.

EDTD (ESGJ), Germany

But, seriously, parachute re-pack might be outstanding?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Rwy20 wrote:

If you need brakes, you either chose too short of a runway or you landed too fast. 

Try the chute. You’ll stop in less than 10 m


There are many Cirrus owners here.

Hopefully someone can look at this advert and comment.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Well, it is allegedly a 2007 model, so it is likely that it is due for a re-pack next year. That’s 15.000 €. Had the chute been re-packed, the ad would certainly have said.

Judging from the s/n it is a late model G2 with all the improvements in electrical system and creature comfort. It is too old, though, to have the G1000 which was introduced in 2008.


This one has been up for sale for about 2 year on various different web sites. I even emailed the ‘owner’ about 18 months ago and had an email response. I think its a scam.


Cirrus has reported it has had the best half year since eight years ago, with deliveries up 30 % and sales up 35 % compared to the first half of 2015:

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