I am looking for a website with AvGas prices around Europe. Just lost the link.
Try: airshampoo.de
I looked at that site and as expected the data is rather “random”… I can’t see any way to build such a site because the airports don’t report the data. Maybe it works for the main GA places in Germany. Also not many people choose destinations based on the fuel price.
Peter wrote:
I can’t see any way to build such a site because the airports don’t report the data. Maybe it works for the main GA places in Germany.
It should be normal for every GA Pilot to update the fuel prices for each visited airport. Coincidentally I did this today for an airport in Hungary.
Peter wrote:
Also not many people choose destinations based on the fuel price.
Of course not. But it is good to know the fuel price in advance which offers the possibility to choose an alternate destination for refuelling, say Sabadell or Perpignan.
SkyDemon has fuel price data.
Sorry to sound dumb or appearing to argue, but since one knows there is no updating mechanism (other than reports from the very very few pilots who fly around Europe a lot, and the very small % of those who then go to update a basically German site) so one knows the data is likely to contain many errors, how can one make any decision based on this?
I didn’t check Germany because I am sure it will be pretty good, but I reckon 90% of the prices are wrong by at least 20% which apart from unusual cases like Elba, Sitia and a few others (which are in the €3.50 area) is more or less the variation around Europe.
For anything that really matters, one needs to phone the airport.
Same applies to SD. It may as well give you the price of an all day breakfast, which has been posted as an important criterion
In Germany (car) fuel stations are mandated by law to publish their current fuel prices online 24/7. This raw data is then used by several apps to allow real-time comparison of fuel prices. Would be great if we had something like that for aviation fuel…
This is only a short copy from airshampoo.de:
Pecs-Pogany (LHPP) | Hungary
AVGAS 100LL: 2.22 €/l , Stand: 03.05.2017
IMHO it would be a worthwhile attempt to create such a list on euroGA, since my impression is that many contributors on this site are flying a lot around Europe.
Thanks a lot. I also use SkyDemon, and like all, I also depend from unreliable information that I can get.
I will be flying around Europe next June and August and I will do some updates here and at skydemon.
I try to update via Skydemon every time I refuel as this is the best and more important integrated solution for Europe that I have seen so far.
One could probably build a cloud service with an open interface where the multiple Apps out there could connect to.
In reality this is a good example of swarm dumbness – inability to join forces of our small group and small businesses and unwillingness of each individual to provide the data that himself wants from others ….
I read the question where to get the information on quite a few forums over the last years, but I never read one about where to provide data myself ….