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Opening hours of airfields in the UK

Joe-fbs wrote:

Patrick, I live in MK, work in Bedford and fly at Cranfield. Feel free to message me for local knowledge, etc.

Hope you don’t feel offended by my opening sentence. I’m sure I’ll still have to find the more charming hidden gems of MK.

The Cherokee referenced above is not available for rent anymore. If you do have any local knowledge about aircraft available at unlicensed fields in the vicinity that may be up for rent, I’d be happy to hear!

Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

We pay £7.50 for a visual landing at Cranfield. No idea whether that is a general rate or for based aircraft. I’ve yet to use the instrument facilities.

Happy to post stuff about life in MK here but I guess not many others would be interested in it. We moved here a few months ago although we have had friends here for years. It’s dull to look having no real history but it functions very well. One great feature is the network of off-highway paths for pedestrians and cyclists. It is possible to move around the entire place by those means without sharing a road with cars. There is real life here, for example our eighteen year old son was not pleased to come here but soon found two excellent music venues which fulfilled everything he wanted, even a job. What interests you, apart from flying? I’ll try and help either publicly or by private message.

On flying. Short hours aside (which you will have gathered are pretty usual in the UK), Cranfield does have attractions in terms of a big hard runway with lights and approaches. It’s secure (which is also an inconvenience, depends how you look at it) and everything works. It is also very convenient for MK. As a syndicate we have considered the local alternatives such as Turweston (day VFR only, closed to departures after 1600 on Sundays), Little Staughton (middle of nowhere, no facilities), Sywell (miles away, day VFR only). There are strips such as Holmbeck Farm and Eaton Bray but I am not interested in that kind of flying so have no information. Oh and of course Cranfield is legendary for the one controller who thinks his role is to train pilots, whatever they fly and whatever experience and qualifications they have, in doing things his way. You soon learn not to worry about it. Nearest places I know with long hours are Coventry where I flew for a few years and is very friendly and Oxford already mentioned. Oxford is not a quick drive after work from MK. Neither is Coventry in fact.

Last Edited by Joe-fbs at 23 Jun 21:49
strip near EGGW

Joe-fbs wrote:

We moved here a few months ago although we have had friends here for years. It’s dull to look having no real history but it functions very well.

Indeed. As another nearby resident you can have a typical English city with traffic, no facilities but charming buildings or something that works. It isn’t pretty but functions very well.

EGTK Oxford
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