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After Ihave read many of the post belonging the Fly-Ins I would like to share an idea with you and to know your opinions about it. Will it be possible to do a Triangle-Fly-In? The idea is to look for three locations spread in a triangle over Europe. The first location will be the meeting point for the first weekend, the second will be in the middle of the week and the third on the second weekend. If we could choose a week with a bank holiday in the middle like Corpus Christi, I think there will be a good chance to find guys flying the whole triangle in this week. But we will also have guys going only for one meeting, not to far away from there homebase.
Here some examples:

As I have seen, that some of you have used the time before or after a Fly-In to continue flying to other places, it might be not to fare away to think about this triangle thing. And I can imagine, that there will be some crews deciding spontaneously on the first Fly-In or on the second to fly some legs together to interessting locations inbetween the annonced Fly-In-Locations and then to rejoin the others.
What do you think about it?

EDDS , Germany

A funny concept, well worth elaborating. I like the idea to create room for individual preferences while still making it a group event.

As yet, though, all aerodromes suggested are – to say the least – oversized for me. Most are rather expensive, a few even downright forbidden. Only EDQC Coburg looks like attractive and realistic to me, and likely to more pilots here, and has been recommended before.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

@Jan_Olieslagers The aerodromes mentioned are not made as a suggestion. I intended to show the possible spread. With triangles like this it will be possible to find three aerodromes in different parts of Europe with one more or less in the vicinity of each EuroGA member. You have one axis east-west and one top pointing to the north or to the south. If this concept will be of interest we have to choose better locations.

EDDS , Germany

Indeed with this setup, you could pick three different aerodrome profiles, as in one full IFR, hard surface etc… one leight, grass field, low fees etc … and something inbetween. A lot of people can fly into all of these, but those who can’t could still participate in a “third” or two of the fly-in.

I’m not sure if, say, Peter and Jan would actually “meet” with this setup.

Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

Perhaps, if he volunteers to settle my landing fee – oh yes, and the handling. Not used to that.

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium

I suspect that what you’d get is a good few people doing one place, and a smaller few doing the trip. But it would give more people the opportunity to participate in at least part of a flyin.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

I love concept & I am convinced that this will have its success

Belgium: EBGB (Grimbergen, Brussels) - EBNM (Namur), Belgium
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