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Meet up weekend 23-25 May 2015 (Dresden EDDC)

That’s a real bugger, Wolfipilot! Very sorry to hear. Could happen to anyone though…

I am filing for 0800Z tomorrow – tracking link

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Thank you, Peter … enjoy your trip!

If everything works out here I’ll leave EDMl 1400Z, ETA 1512

My planned departure is 1330Z.
But I’m depending on a guy who’s returning with the A/C. One of the drawbacks of shared ownership…
Tracking link:

At least the wx looks OK.

I would estimate tops at FL100

but with actuals like
EDDF 230450Z 06005KT 020V080 CAVOK 15/07 Q1020 NOSIG

much of that is probably just a layer. We shall see…

Not much wind – FL100

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Tops were FL80-90 all the way. -2C at FL110. HW 5kt changing to TW 5kt.

The airport is fantastic. Super efficient and smiles everywhere. €35 the lot.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

FL90 VMC between layers all the way from Munich, LNAV approach 04. Airport is what every private pilot is dreaming about … and the City is very beautiful.

Went to dinner with Peter, and we had a good time!

OK, here is a few pics…

Under the first layer

Climbing through 5000ft

Up into the next layer… prop TKS on since it was +2C at this point

On top at FL095

The filed FL100 was not quite high enough

so I asked for FL110 right away.

LFOB at 43 USG (exactly half tanks) shows one could fly to Dresden and back without stopping (reminds me of the very old joke about some Brit airline pilot getting lost taxiing around some German airport)

The flight was uneventful, FL110 all the way, 5kt headwind gradually changing to a 5-10kt tailwind. -2C all the way, TAS 150kt at 10.1 GPH.

I got a DCT to DC431 which is a point on the final approach track. After a while I found it appearing on one of the RNAV transitions for runway 04 Anyway, the KLN94 has all these points in the database…

Right above the cloud, FL090 or so, it was +3C so obviously it was going to be below 0C inside, so prop TKS again. Sure enough it was -3C inside…

This looks like quite a nice house. Not sure if it has adequate slave accomodation however…

They asked me for the best IAS I could maintain in the descent; I offered 140kt as it was clearly going to be a bit rough (Va is 130kt but I could see from the tops there was nothing really bad in there). But this was not enough and a B737 got slotted in before me, while I did a right orbit on left base. Before that the controller offered me the option to cancel IFR, which I took. The controller was really very competent and helpful. This is left base, about 1700ft AAL

The last photo before landing – there is only so much one can do while hand flying, especially with the tight left base

The gramet was largely fiction, not depicting the cloud to ~FL090 (over the entire flight) at all

The airport is simply great. Along with the extremely competent and helpful ATC, it has the friendliest staff I recall seeing anywhere. Even the policewoman gave me a big smile while checking the passport (no; I can’t see why, either!). There are a few cafes in the terminal; fine for a quick lunch. Total cost was €35 which is after some sort of special weekend/holiday discount. Very good value. Taxi to city centre was €23. The fuel was €1.97/litre plus 19% VAT.

Avgas arrived immediately (I asked for it while taxiing). The final flow totaliser figure was 43.3 USG which shows again how close the initial estimate usually is. It showed a required fill of 161 litres and the bowser showed 164 litres.

Here are some random pics from a brief walkabout. Dresden has had a lot of money spent on it since the end of communism. There is a coffee bar every 10m, loads of posh shopping, and some nice old (or rebuilt) architecture. I haven’t straightened up these pics so apologies for any which aren’t “upright”

We ate in this really nice restaurant – cheaper than the pub across the road from where I live

The hotel is very posh too, but the wifi is crap (as it often is) so I am using my Vodafone UK 3G connection to the Nokia phone

Boat trip tomorrow

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

A few more random pics of Dresden from today

I sussed out why I was getting internet problems. As also happened in Salamanca, the network I am roaming on on 3G, and also the hotel WIFI network, blocks any FTP uploads after about 50k bytes. It works via a VPN…

A proper steam boat engine – 100 years old

An “English garden”

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I have moved the departure tomorrow from 0900Z to 0700Z, due to convective weather forecast over Germany from 0900Z onwards.

Track link

EGHI 241620Z 26008KT 220V300 9999 FEW016 BKN022 15/11 Q1019
EGKK 241620Z 28009KT 9999 -RA BKN021 17/13 Q1018
EBOS 241620Z 30009KT 9999 FEW030 15/08 Q1019 BECMG BKN012
EDDF 241620Z VRB02KT 9999 FEW048 BKN090 21/09 Q1016 NOSIG
EDDC 241620Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW043 18/08 Q1017 NOSIG

EGHI 241410Z 2415/2422 24006KT 9999 SCT030 TEMPO 2415/2418 4000 RADZ BKN010 PROB30 TEMPO 2415/2418 BKN008 BECMG 2418/2421 30010KT PROB40 TEMPO 2418/2421 8000 BKN014
EGKK 241058Z 2412/2518 26008KT 9999 SCT020 TEMPO 2413/2424 BKN012 PROB30 TEMPO 2415/2422 6000 -RADZ BKN006 BECMG 2421/2424 34010KT
EBOS 241110Z 2412/2518 28006KT 9999 FEW020 BECMG 2421/2423 27010KT SCT007 BKN010 PROB40 TEMPO 2423/2505 3500 -RADZ BKN004 BECMG 2507/2509 35012KT SCT012 BKN020
EDDF 241100Z 2412/2518 03005KT 9999 FEW040 TEMPO 2412/2418 VRB03KT BECMG 2418/2420 VRB03KT BECMG 2507/2509 27006KT PROB30 TEMPO 2509/2516 SHRA SCT035CB BECMG 2512/2514 31010KT
EDDC 241100Z 2412/2512 VRB03KT 9999 SCT030

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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