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Watch out for restrictions in France in the coming weeks

The apps make things very easy. I note on eg SDVFR there is a tab marked SUP AIP so once you create your route you just go to that tab. You don’t need to read them all just the numbers of interest and IIUC if it’s an AIRAC next to the number you just tick the AIRAC box and only the numbers which relate to AIRAC will be shown. It’s so much easier using the link than going through the google to the SIA website.
@maxbc you do know that SIA produce the IAPs as charts don’t you? They can be found on the SIA website or on Skydemon under textual information.
The differences between them and Jeppesen are that they are free but to add Jeppesen IAPs you have to pay as an add on.
The benefit of Jeppesen IAPs are that they have a standard format worldwide.(?)
Personally I have never seen the need to buy what I can get for free and that works for me.
I think @hazek outlined the need to look at the SUPs listed on the Notams, well.
If you don’t read them you may find yourself avoiding or going a long way round a zone which is only activated on Christmas eve between midnight and 6am UTC due to possible UFO activity over the TRZ.


you may find yourself avoiding or going a long way round a zone which is only activated on Christmas eve between midnight and 6am UTC

If notamed correctly, that should work too. Certainly it should work on the flight itself provided the display device has internet connectivity for at least some seconds before getting airborne. My Ipad (used only for FF) has a contract SIM, £8/month, for that purpose.

FF doesn’t display notamed airspace until 2hrs before a planned flight anyway, which is weird, but if you don’t plan anything and just fly, it seems to display stuff OK.

That’s the issue, people still living in the fax age, trying to communicate overly complex rules. The only thing a user can realistically do is rely on paid services like Skydemon and pray…

Exactly; that’s the reality in the internet age when everybody notams their ingrowing toenail…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

@gallois No I didn’t know that, thanks !

Of course there are other examples where the SIA doesn’t produce anything usable and relies on third parties, like 1/500k charts. Nothing problematic per se in a third party compiling and presenting official polygons.

(And for reading SUP AIPs, I completely agree and I think I’ve made clear that I read them extensively)

Interesting that FF doesn’t integrate this very well. I wonder how temporary airspace restrictions are published in other countries. I suspect there’s always NOTAMs, but the NOTAMs contain the full zones and procedures ?

Last Edited by maxbc at 15 May 07:36
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