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Portugal - Santarem (LPSR) to Cascais area and back - Rallye 893

Having recently acquired this classic Socata (Daher) Rallye MS.893E bird – I´ve started exploring Portugal from the air. Sharing a lengthy youtube video – feel free to fast forward if/WHEN you get bored! ;-)

Socata Rallye MS.893E

hey @Yeager, you might have a problem with your keyboard… the Caps Lock ⇪ key seems to be stuck.

Thanks for the vid link, though I wonder when and if I’ll ever find the time to watch some of the vids you guys constantly upload. OTOH I might be spending way too much time writing stuff here

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Thanks for the vid link, though I wonder when and if I’ll ever find the time to watch some of the vids you guys constantly upload.

You’re right, absolutely nobody will watch 1 hour video about someone else flying from A to B. I understand people enthusiastically what to share their experience but this is not the way to do it. The video has to be edited, leaving few highlights, like scenic views, takeoff and landing, maybe some interesting ATC conversation and that’s it (like @Peter does). One hour flight should be compressed in 5 min. It requires some effort but it provides some value by promoting flying to certain destinations or pointing out to certain aspects of flying.

Last Edited by Emir at 19 Jul 06:49
LDZA LDVA, Croatia
Hi @Yeager , this seems a perfect place to thank you for your hospitality during our visit to Portugal last week. I also add some highlights of our flight.

EETU, Estonia

Dan wrote:

hey @Yeager, you might have a problem with your keyboard… the Caps Lock ⇪ key seems to be stuck.

Thanks for the vid link, though I wonder when and if I’ll ever find the time to watch some of the vids you guys constantly upload. OTOH I might be spending way too much time writing stuff here

@Dan Lol. I wouldn´t worry too much about it mate.

Emir wrote:

You’re right, absolutely nobody will watch 1 hour video about someone else flying from A to B. I understand people enthusiastically what to share their experience but this is not the way to do it. The video has to be edited, leaving few highlights, like scenic views, takeoff and landing, maybe some interesting ATC conversation and that’s it (like @Peter does). One hour flight should be compressed in 5 min. It requires some effort but it provides some value by promoting flying to certain destinations or pointing out to certain aspects of flying.

@Emir People are different and have different interests. Some will watch a video footage looking for something specific that has their interest. It could be a cockpit setup of a specific aircraft, a takeoff or landing segment at a specific airport or scenery features from the air. Well aware of the length, there´s opportunity for the individual to choose how much time he wants to spend on any part of the video – including scenery (which again is subjective). It´s not only for entertainment.
I agree, that if a video footage is produced with the entertainment factor as the only main objective – it should be compressed to the “entertaining” parts only, and surely addition of ATC sound would be a great addition. Good points.
Ultimately, it´s a free choice to watch it (or some of it) and if one doesn´t have time or patience – it´s not that hard to simply exit and move on.

Last Edited by Yeager at 19 Jul 08:07
Socata Rallye MS.893E

ivark wrote:

ivark19-Jul-23 07:5504
Hi @Yeager , this seems a perfect place to thank you for your hospitality during our visit to Portugal last week. I also add some highlights of our flight.

Hi @ivark,
You´re most welcome. It was a pleasure to take you and your family for a little tour around Portugal and I hope you enjoyed the remaining time in Portugal. Great photos posted, thank you. I wish you all the best and happy flying. Cheers.

Socata Rallye MS.893E
6 Posts
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