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Garmin Pilot (merged)

Flyamax wrote:

As yet, I regularly do not close the app when going to sleep and leave the iPad just on the desk. I never had the battery drained the next morning. I will recheck this tonight but I’m quite sure.

In my case, it just drains much faster than normal (normal drains extremely little)

It is the downside of having the app continue to run in the background which you want it to do in flight. I just close the app when not using it on the ground.

EGTK Oxford

This morning I had the app still opened since last night (charged at 100%). After 6 h now left on my desk running GP in the background and doing normal office tasks with the iPad battery shows 95%. I think that GP is drawing a lot when redesigning the map and calculating your position in normal use. In my opinion, that seems to be the major source.


I don’t have a problem, regularly do8ng 8hrs continuous flying with a loss o& about 60-70% battery. I do use an external GPS (Garmin Glo) though.

Fly safely
Various UK. Operate throughout Europe and Middle East, United Kingdom

Version 9.1 now includes an OpenStreetMap base map. Not much use for transcontinental IFR rocket ships, but it’s a nice moving map for bouncing from one local field to another on a Sunday afternoon:

Glenswinton, SW Scotland, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Garmin Pilot doesn’t exist for android in Europe,

Oh yes it does

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

From here

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

What has changed since this ?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Garmin Pilot doesn’t exist for android in Europe, which adds additional hassle.

Yes it does. Or I am imagining things. :-)

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

It always did but it was an old version – see previous posts. But maybe Garmin have fixed it.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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