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So much about nobody touches my plane when I'm not watching

Peter wrote:

Do Savvy do this for EASA-regs?

They cannot.

There are two ways for using Savvy. One is: they are responsible for maintenance and you just take the plane to the shop they send you to. They represent you to the shop and they receive the invoice and you pay it once they have accepted it. For that you also have to include Savvy on your insurance.

The other is simply using them as consultants in the background. It appears that is a newer offering and came out of the challenges with dealing with people in Europe from the US.

But then I don’t own a Cirrus so I don’t know what sort of items might make good examples of this. Mechanically, an SR22 is a very conventional plane. The only curious thing is their 100hr service. I wonder how many owners really run the oil to 100hrs. I know that at 100hrs my oil would not even light a bonfire in the garden…

The 100 hours is supposed to be more a like an annual and not about servicing oil every 100 hours. It is some sort of recommendation but I don’t have much information to talk about it.

From my point of view all of that is quite simple. I want to detect safety relevant issues early on and I want my plane be reliable as it is becoming “my car”. I don’t want politics and ego stuff to get in the way of that. So I will learn step by step with whom I can work.

On the other hand I know that there are some Cirrus owner-pilots here in Europe who get a hangar and have one of the US guys come over for their annual. Details can easily be found on the COPA forum. I wonder why these people do it that way

Frequent travels around Europe

Yesterday I had a pleasant experience at a Cirrus Service Center. I got all explanations I was asking for as a first-time owner-pilot and got to watch the whole process. They also offered explanations without request and were showing me details for more deeper understanding.

Based on what many have told me it appears that there is a type of owner who wants to participate in the work without really knowing. They seem to fear that type of owner as the main reason supposedly is to save money. They don’t like that because it were creating more work for them, takes longer and in the end the pay is supposed to be less.

The main reason for not going there in the first place was distance.

Frequent travels around Europe

Wait until you meet the boss/owner of that shop… Possibly the biggest ego in aviation.

Humans are very complex systems with many unknown unknowns. Difficult to deal with in general :-)

Frequent travels around Europe

Half of the humans are even more complex than the other half.


I will NEVER go back to Cirrus Germany, i know that. The reasons are too complex to explain here, but besides that their shop is really bad.Very disappointing technically.

When i was there the first time my plane was parked in the soft grass and i has to watch two mechanics push it out of the grass PUSHING ON THE FLAPS (!). I told them that i would prever to never see that again, especially when you know how delicate the flap mechanism is.

Half of the humans are even more complex than the other half.

Meaning one particular sex, perhaps?

EBZH Kiewit, Belgium
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