From here
An EDM should be totally straightforward in that – apart from possibly needing a new circuit breaker installed – it doesn’t interconnect to other systems. It is just a box you fit into the panel and then spend possibly quite a few hours running the sensor wiring to the engine.
The OP has an Arrow but a Robin should be the same. Only twins are really time consuming (I’ve seen it done).
I meant in terms of paperwork, not actual work.
I guess the OP couldn’t ferry the plane for 8 months. I guess the engine was preserved.
Besides, I am disappointed to see that an arrow is a 2 seater with full fuel and a 2+2 with fuel to tabs.
Very lovely panel though.
Hope you make great memories with it.
Nope no CS for EDM, it’s Minor Change in EASA Robins
Ibra wrote:
Nope no CS for EDM,
Yes! CS-SC208 allows installation of a digital multifunction engine monitor. The FAQ you refer to is outdated.
I stand corrected, when did it change? does it need FAA to approve EDM STC on Robins?
I have seen Cap10 & DR400 with EDM and I recall they were via Minor changes
Ibra wrote:
I stand corrected, when did it change?
I believe it was last year. A bit sloppy of EASA to leave FAQ answers like that around.
does it need FAA to approve EDM STC on Robins?
There is no need for an (approved) STC on the Robin, but there has to be one on a “similar” aircraft. This is what the Standard Change says:
The installation of a a multifunction display for powerplant instruments, fuel flow/pressure instrument together with the related parts, has been certified on a similar aircraft by EASA or by a civil aviation authority of a third country that has entered into a bilateral agreement with the EU. The equipment manufacturer has declared that the a multifunction display for powerplant instruments is suitable for installation on a specific aircraft and compatible with a specific engine type. Moreover, the equipment manufacturer provides the necessary design data to the installer.
Jujupilote wrote (coming from this thread):
@etn, could you post a few infos of the install of an EDM in your robin ? I think you could debunk a lot of rumors about electronics in Robins.
Installing the EDM was part of a larger avionics upgrade. I could possibly have done without the other devices, but the EDM was the trigger. I hesitated between the EDM930 and their main competitor, the MVP-50 from EI. The MVP has more features but the EDM seemed “easier” from an usability point of view. Both are in the same ball park from a cost perspective. Being primary, the EDM allowed to concentrate all engine instruments in one place – they were all over the place before!
Then I used the opportunity to install a real audio panel (previously only the 2-seat intercom of the 8.33 radio was used), a FLARM device, and a couple uAvionix AV-30C. I originally viewed the AV-30C (= poor man’s GI275 ;) ) more as a gimmick than anything else, as I do day VFR only and have no plan to go into IFR anytime soon. They turned out to be a great addition, for 1) I did not have a directional gyro before and 2) they provide direct display of TAS and density altitude. I briefly considered an integrated GPS/NAV/COM (Avidyne IFD540) but decided against it. It’s a bunch of money for something I can do with an ipad, and upgrade for under 1000€ as needed. I did not want a full glass cockpit, in order to keep an analogue gauges spirit to that 1971 “youngtimer”.
Now to the practical side of things: the “regular” mechanic who follows the aircraft was OK with installing the EDM; however he does not work on avionics. I therefore gave the airplane to Straubing for this. They did a great job (probably not the cheapest) but it was really a turnkey solution. They took care of all paperwork. They had a minor charge (around 500€ if I remember correctly) per new device for the EASA paperwork. The two AV-30C were an interesting case. They were not yet certified for the Robin when I bought them; uAvionix told me they were working on that certification. As could have been expected, they were not yet done with it when Straubing was doing the install. However, the new CS-STAN issue 4, published only a couple months before, took care of this. CS-SC059a allows installing those as a Standard Change provided it is for day VFR only – which is my case.
Please let me know if you have any further questions!
The EDM has a very well organized, comprehensive display in my opinion. Its installation fits the aircraft (particularly its 4 fuel tanks) perfectly. It is compatible with the original (factory new 1971!) fuel senders. Usage is as easy as it gets.
Very nice, yet classic setup!
Nice you kept the Bendix King KX125, we had them in many club aircrafts until the 8,33 upgrade – i kind of liked them much more than the new Garmin 255’s.. :)
Matt_FK wrote:
Very nice, yet classic setup!
Nice you kept the Bendix King KX125, we had them in many club aircrafts until the 8,33 upgrade – i kind of liked them much more than the new Garmin 255’s.. :)
Thank you!
The previous owner kept the KX125 for NAV, and replaced the COM with the 8.33. Also the antenna was connected to the 8.33 device. Now having an audio panel enabled reviving that KX125 COM. It required installing a 2nd COM antenna for it (no biggie). The KX works much better than the 8.33! I’m using it whenever frequency allows (which is maybe 1/3rd of the time given my usage.)