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IFR Private Pilots Facebook Group

Could you encourage all who sign up to join the PPL/IR Group: The more members we have, the more influence we can exert on EASA . . .

I agree about PPL/IR Europe. I am a member too. The £70/year is IMHO worth spending, for the private IFR lobby effort.

However, I think the organisation would get useful publicity if some high-hour pilot members participated on EuroGA, which has a couple of orders of magnitude more readers than the paid-members-only PPL/IR forum. In accordance with our guidelines this would be welcome.

The way things are turning out, EuroGA is the pilot forum for discussing anything serious about European GA.

of course the other thing about joining a Facebook group is you will generally be revealing your real name!

Presumably that is true only if you want to use FB to communicate with existing personal contacts, and to attract friends who you might meet, who obviously are then going to be miffed if it turns out you used a false name...

To just participate on FB you can knock up any old pseudonym, I would think.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

To just participate on FB you can knock up any old pseudonym, I would think

You can, a fellow pilot friend's pet dog has an 'human' profile on Facebook. The Facebook verification controls are what the company G4S is to Olympic security ;-) I think what AnthonyQ means is that most people on Facebook are likely to have profiles that are their real name, and aren't using any kind of pseudonym.

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