As the next steps following the surveys and associated discussion please find below a proposal of legal dealing against the excess prices of airports/ handlers in Europe, aimed at getting rid of GA when the will come. Through excessive prices we are banned from the growing number of airports, it is high time to start a serious fight against that.
Update of 28.06.18: Crowdfunding process has started, future of GA flying needs your donation, of whatever value! Please visit and contribute:
Our legal team introduction:
All good stuff here and I would support this.
Unfortunately I don’t think enough GA across Europe cares about the issue.
So I suspect the ability to raise enough funds for several rounds of legal challenges would be difficult.
Pilot apathy is why this problem still exists.
Very happy to be proven wrong though.
EuroGA daily audience… and these are people actually interested in GA
There are many more people here than one might expect.
That’s a good number. It would be interesting to see how many readers are willing to do something about this specific issue.
Peter could create a list in which anyone can register who wants to participate. A suggestion: everyone pays 100 Euro (roughly 40 l Avgas).
1000 readers actually interested in GA x 100 Euro=100000 Euro., that should be enough
What about using a crowd funding platform? A financial target can be set and everyone agrees to pay a specific amount if the target is reached but doesn’t get billed if it doesn’t.
Vladimir wrote:
What about using a crowd funding platform? A financial target can be set and everyone agrees to pay a specific amount if the target is reached but doesn’t get billed if it doesn’t.
A modern approach, although I dunno about the fees of such platforms.
MedEwok wrote:
I dunno about the fees of such platforms.
Kickstarter (probably not suitable here but as an example) charges about 8-10%, quite a lot: https://www.kickstarter.com/help/fees?country=GB