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Ron Flockhart met his devil in Athens 1961

Same old dysfunction,bureaucracy and innefficiency.Nothing changes.World car racer and aviator Ron Flockhart was intercepted in LGAT and eventualy blew up his Merlin gaskets trying to negotiate the situation !


Nothing changes of course: not enough coolant => engine kaput. In Athens, in the USA, or maybe on other planets with a similar atmosphere in Galaxies far, far away.

LGMT (Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece), Greece

MedFlyer wrote:

Ron Flockhart was intercepted in LGAT and eventualy blew up his Merlin gaskets trying to negotiate the situation !

He was not intercepted !

but poor weather forced Flockhart to divert to his nominated alternate, Athens.

Indeed a) the ground bureaucracy in Athens and b) his “get-there-itis” must have been a contributing factor to what happened.

At Beirut :

Confusion on the ground, however, led to the Mustang’s coolant boiling while Flockhart was held while other aircraft landed.

At Athens:

Anxious not to lose any more time, Flockhart refuelled quickly and requested clearance from the Tower

LGMG Megara, Greece

I used the phrase "intercepted"as a comic substitute of “welcomed”.ESSO Co fuelled,supported and handled him all the way up.BTW it’s not rare for VFR FPLs to be lost in space.I think we all have experienced this.

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