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If you just count fuel....

Well, I guess it depends where you are flying from and where to … I agree that on MANY routes the SR22 (hey, I love mine too ;-)) is the best way of transportation. From my home field to Hamburg: perfect. To Prague: very good. To Paris: good … but to Crete it’s already terrible with the all the stress in Corfu, airport of entry, cost and all the complications they create. It always takes me the better part of a day to get there.
With the airline I stand in line for 20 minutes and fly 2 hours.

Up to 2.5 hours we like to take the Cirrus and there’s any places we can go: Paris, Northern Germany, South of France (ok that’s 2:50), big parts of Italy, Split and Brac … The 3 hours to Dubrovnik are ok too, sometimes. BEYOND those points GA flying is more something we pilots enjoy but not a lot of fun for the family, or should I say MY family?

with a healthy immune syste have no problem with. Haha

It is fashionable for always the same 2 people here to assert I have a dodgy immune system. I have said I always appreciate such expert medical advice because it leaves me with more money to spend on avgas! I know the advice must be good because when somebody has 16hrs/day to spend on the internet, they really must get to know their subject.

But next time we have a fly-in I will more carefully count the number of cancellations due to an illness following an airline flight…

How about admitting that FUN is the only valid reason?

How about having a customer at the end of a 5-8h drive, or a 1:20 flight? Sure, it won’t be in Germany…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

We had a thread drift about flying out to meet with customers somewhere… Some, like Stephan_Schwab, do, and it works out great for them, some do not. So, as always, to each one’s own. My “dream” is business related GA flying from Kraków to Munich (and elsewhere in Germany), but so far it’s just talk and wishful thinking. Of course I want to believe it would make sense. Feel free to tell me why it does not, save me some money, before I buy the plane. ;)

EPKP - Kraków, Poland

If you want to fly to Munich, your plane has to be above 2t. Then it is surprisingly cheap with no mandatory handling.

Very soon there will be one or two “app2drive” carsharing cars in EDML (Landshut), so that will be a good way to fly to Munich. The iairfield is 68 km from donwtown. Other than that many times it’s not a problem to get the EDNX PPR, and from there it is really close to downtown.
EDMA, Augsburg is good too, ILS and RNAV Approach.

Stephan_Schwab wrote:

With the airline we need to stick to a schedule (stress), queue up in lines (stress), be searched (hassle), get told what to do (stress) and wait (boredom).

stick to a schedule – Flight plan
queue up in lines – at holding point
be searched – same to GA at airports
get told what to do – vectors
and wait – holding on ground and in the air

Berlin, Germany
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