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Thank you for making EuroGA a success

Very nice forum indeed!

What I particularly like is the fact that it’s reasonably free of admonishments and “knowing it all better” from more experienced pilots. It’s also less UK-centric as other English language fora. At PPL/IR I particularly had that induced-inferiority-feeling, so I am no longer member.

Abeam the Flying Dream
EBKT, western Belgium, Belgium

Peter and team this is a great resource and community builder, well done – and troll free!

Over time my internet grazing is mainly here and impressive that the spirit of euroga has its own thriving pioneers on the west coast. has some European followers, but we are somewhat dispersed.

Hopefully the equivalent of the Johnson or New Holstein fly ins might be replicated in Austria or Italy one day.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

At the beginning of this thread there were 10.000 forum posts, now 83.000. How is the trend? Exponential, linear, asymptotic?


It’s an old thread. EuroGA started around October 2012. It grew rapidly. It’s still growing now though obviously slower. I don’t think it is asymptotic because that would imply there is a ceiling which can never be exceeded We have a long way to go to reach pilots in Europe who are active and who can speak English. But then the % of posters is only a distant clue to who reads the site…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

To Peter and all others that contribute here

thank you all, as this here has been so much great help to me for some of my questions and needs!!!

Also I was able to find here a mega friendly UK FE that help me to get my UK Licence signed off after my 2 yrs required flight with a FI not so easy when u are not UK based. But EUROGA made it possible for me!!!!!!!!!!!

All this was done because Peter has set up this Forum and we can help each others

Also all my questions where helped here and this has be great for me, to get a much better view on many things

My flying got more fun as EUROGA helped me to clear some issues out of my mind

so again many thanks to all of YOU


The person who makes the 100,000th will buy the avgas at Carcassonne

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Hmm… I wonder if discussions stop at 99999 then.

OTOH I won’t be able to make it to Carcassone anyway.

Congratulations to EuroGA though, it’s a pleasant forum.

Aufwind GmbH
EKPB, Germany

Well, somebody has done it, but I can’t tell who because the data I can see is a slightly different figure, due to threads merged, etc.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Wasn’t me


Usually jubilee customers are rewarded not punished

LDZA LDVA, Croatia
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