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ForeFlight (merged thread)

Any time!


ForeFlight - Head of International Gr...
KGTU, United States

I use ForeFlight a lot, mostly outside UK and linked to a Jepessen subscription. Personally, top of my list would be trip planner on iPad; it currently only exists on the web interface.

Desirables – w&b link in flight planning and a combined briefing pack that included everything rather than have to download a separate plog.

PS. I do agree that greater ability for manual route manipulation would really open up the European market.

Fly safely
Various UK. Operate throughout Europe and Middle East, United Kingdom

Dave_Phillips wrote:

I use ForeFlight a lot, mostly outside UK and linked to a Jepessen subscription. Personally, top of my list would be trip planner on iPad; it currently only exists on the web interface.

Desirables – w&b link in flight planning and a combined briefing pack that included everything rather than have to download a separate plog.

PS. I do agree that greater ability for manual route manipulation would really open up the European market.

Thanks Dave. I am curious when you are saying the web has a trip planner, what are you referring to? The flights section on iOS and on the web should be close to parity as is so just want to make sure I get it right.

Thanks again,


ForeFlight - Head of International Gr...
KGTU, United States

These two points mentioned above

  • Airspace de-cluttering (mentioned above). Makes the app simply unusable for VFR.
  • Waypoint constraints for IFR autorouting

make the program unusable for VFR and for IFR respectively, in Europe. However, Foreflight have got that feedback many times, from others I know.

These things also need to work in the web browser version. Basically, the browser version needs to be usable for both planning a VFR/OCAS route, and for generating a Eurocontrol route, without the need to use an Ipad. The PC interface will always totally outclass anything you can have on a tablet, simply because you have a proper keyboard, a pointing device, etc. The competition all has usable PC versions and this is important to most serious users.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Josh, I mean the Trip Assistant

I must take issue with Peter’s comments about “unusability” in Europe. It is useable, very. I have used FF for sub-FL200 IFR flights across Europe and the Middle East. Recent trips include:


For sure, there are some niceties not available but the app is certainly not unusable.

PS. Smart Airspace – you sort of already have this.

PPS. I think I would class myself as a Serious User

Last Edited by Dave_Phillips at 18 Dec 15:44
Fly safely
Various UK. Operate throughout Europe and Middle East, United Kingdom

It is desirable to shape the route around wx, etc.

Maybe not so much with a FL200+ aircraft with radar, like a DA62. But those with a lesser capability do this all the time – on maybe 50-75% of routes.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Josh_Tahmasebi_ForeFlight wrote:

f you had to pick one feature you would like to see if ForeFlight next year, what would it be?

As I only would use it for VFR (every single point currently is a dealbreaker with FF for me):

1. Airspace de-cluttering
2. Graphical NOTAMs
3. Better basemap (rendering and level of detail)

I know, that’s three – but Christmas is close ;-)

Last Edited by Supersonic at 18 Dec 15:54
EDNG, EDST, Germany

Peter, our DA62s neither have radar (removed for other bits of kit) nor fly above their certified service ceiling of FL200. In many (most?) respects, the limitations are similar to those of a TB20. For sure, there are some things that could be enhanced, but I think it is a bit of an overstatement to say that the app is “unusable”. Clearly it isn’t.

Last Edited by Dave_Phillips at 18 Dec 15:51
Fly safely
Various UK. Operate throughout Europe and Middle East, United Kingdom

It is of course usable but the overall market will be shaped by users’ desire for convergence i.e. most want one app.

They won’t want to use two apps for VFR, or (for IFR) use one app for nice wx days and another app when they want to shape the route.

Especially as a backup for Autorouter is highly desirable (because its users depend on it so totally) and sod’s law will be that AR has some issue when the wx is not great and you do want to do some route manipulation.

To succeed in most markets you have to deliver something which does the whole job, not say 50% of the job, when an existing product does 100% – when it works.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

Airspace de-cluttering (mentioned above). Makes the app simply unusable for VFR.

I agree with Peter. Situational awareness within all the desplayed airspaces is barely possible during flight.

EDNG, EDST, Germany
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