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Legality of recording ATC or other pilots?

Peter I am aware that most YTubers don’t make money. But it is possible. In fact I have recently been told that 2 of the videos I edited for a charity have just started to provide money to the charity from YT.
I don’t know how many hits that means they have received but even £1000 (100,000 rupees) is very welcome for an Indian animal charity.
So some do make money. Perhaps not GA. But I don’t know if some of the better known GA You Tubers make money out of YT but they certainly get some benefits out of sponsorship.


IMHO, whether you may be making money or not will not affect whether somebody goes after you.

The probability of a random person coming across your video by accident is close to zero. So if somebody goes after you, it will prob99 be because

  • somebody is monitoring your videos (could be somebody who doesn’t like you, or somebody who does like you)
  • the person knows somebody referenced in your video and notifies them (out of genuine concern, or to cause you trouble)

I’ve been using forums for as long as the internet has been around (over 30 years) and have seen this pattern many times. Frequently the person who gets upset is not even on the internet

A video from a relatively unknown poster which is basically unpromoted is going to get perhaps a few hundred views, over years, unless it contains p0rn or has a good clickbait title. I once got thousands of views on a short flying video in the Adriatic but that was because a friend airport manager mentioned it in a local Croatian online newspaper. And the probability of somebody watching it knowing somebody in the video is close to zero.

Same with forum posts; I’ve had a bit of “trouble” over the years and in most cases it is either directly stated, or is obvious, how the complainant found out (it was monitoring by a malicious person, who reported it to cause trouble). I can give you another example: get onto any UK ATC forum and mention the Graham Hill crash, and mention certain commentary on ATC service found in some of the books written on that crash. You will get a nuclear explosion… Admittedly this is partly because these professions close ranks in milliseconds, but if you are talking about flying videos where ATC is an “unwitting participant”, here you go

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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