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European pulse? (moving California to Europe)

Indeed, but all these are lifestyle choices. It’s a hard thing to say to someone but that is what it is.

Actually lots of things which “happen” to people are lifestyle choices and one can get into pretty hot debates around some of them (so I am not going to give the most obvious example which pretty well sets up the future direction of your life).

When one gets a bit older, one normally gets out of the ratrace described above, ASAP. Usually accompanied by moving to the countryside. But unless one can earn a lot of money at some point, this is not easy IF one wants to continue living with some level of expenditure (e.g. GA flying).

However, getting back to the topic for the OP, while I have never met him in person, I’ve met others who know him so I know a bit about him, and putting this together with his posts here over all the years, I suspect that – like me – he would rather die than sit with a headset on all day

This reminds me of a joke my father picked up in Trieste in 1947, about three guys, of a particular faith, who after de-mobilisation in 1945 decided to get back together 10 years later, and compare who made the most money. The joke cannot possibly be posted here; he told it to me when I was 10 but I didn’t “get it” until I was about 20

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Can’t you at least drop a hint or two ? 🤪🤭

LFMD, France

Come on Peter, PM me the joke!

Private field, Mallorca, Spain

Here is a similar one ….

Abe and Issac were walking along the street in Stamford Hill (famous ethnic area of north London)

Abe reached down and picked up a wage packet laying on the pavement

So Isaac says to Abe … “you have all the luck”

To which Abe replies …. “all the luck, look how much tax they have stopped me”

United Kingdom
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