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EU dual papers regulation - enforced at EDTF Freiburg

It’s this particular “BfL”. He is constantly making checks of many aircraft, claiming it’s all “random”. Except that he literally enters the dates into Outlook for future-check reminders! He watches peoples’ Facebook and Instagram, off-duty and comments whether people are flying according to the rules. He literally was hanging out at the gas pump to ensure he was able to check some guy who he knew would return to refuel.

This is what awaits you at EDTF. Absolutely bonkers zealous small-minded weasel, willing – and eager – to abuse the little power he has.

Anyway, my case should be closed but … this nonsense contributes nothing to flight safety, it is purely a bureaucracy run amok – and IMHO actually decreases safety due to the diversion of energy to something OTHER than training/skills – and really pisses people off. That said, I haven’t met a single German yet who actually DOES get angry about the intrusive bureaucracies they’ve created. I am a fish out of water and need to figure out if this is worth it.

EDFG, Germany

N_Reg_RV12 wrote:

This is what awaits you at EDTF. Absolutely bonkers zealous small-minded weasel, willing – and eager – to abuse the little power he has.

I’ve met over the past decade plenty of such zealots, typically their mindset is not caused by legislation but by them being bitter and envious. Does he fly? If not, did he previously fly? Possibly no medical, or not enough cash? And if he can’t do what you can, then he gets a kick out of impacting your freedom. He can go home without needing to kick the cat for once…..

You could try to get on his good side by offering him a flight but for me, the best course of action is just to ignore him….

Just wondering what he would do if I turned up with my Slovenian registered steed – would he ramp check me? Perhaps I should fly down and see – after all, I’m not concerned about a ramp check, we’ve been checked by the BR before and all was in order.

EDL*, Germany

I still want to see a letter detailing the law and which bit you don’t comply with.

Otherwise he may just be fishing.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

“Some people” make a habit of regularly bringing chocolate to ATC / ground crew / … to placate them and keep them friendly.


I honestly don’t know what his motivation is, but it’s unhealthy. He tends to move any and all interaction into his theories regarding safety, never gauging the interest of those unfortunate enough to be around (and who never asked). Socially inept. But everyone, including me up to now, put up with it because … most people have enough social skills to deal with it (once, then avoid). Anyway …

Come to EDTF and I’ll happily buy the beer. AKA Flieg Club there is awesome, very active, very friendly folks. A couple good restaurants at other nearby aerodromes (one very good but expensive steak place on site).

I’ll try to find the law behind this enforcement.

EDFG, Germany
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