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"Climate Activists" vandalise business jets

Mooney_Driver wrote:

As if that matters in the eyes of these people. Joy is a concept they don’t understand in their dystopic world view.

The response is right here:
Peter wrote:

What’s good for our cause is offering flights to the neighbours

In my limited experience this is a very good way to easily turn people around and make them marvel about the world instead of being dominated by angst.


Mooney_Driver wrote:

It horrifies me that a number of GA pilots are pretty much “ok” when biz jets are damaged or destroyed for the “eco cause” as long as their own little toy stays untouched

Have I said anywhere that I am “OK” with that? What I said is it doesn’t upset me. At worst it causes work for some mechanics and some (professional ) paint shops. It’s not like money is an issue here, and no one has died. What is a bit upsetting is the look the other way attitude of the authorities and some of the brain-dead sentiments in this thread (honestly).

Mooney_Driver wrote:

As if that matters in the eyes of these people. Joy is a concept they don’t understand in their dystopic world view

Complete BS. We are all humans with human emotions. Arguing on that level is nonsense.

The elephant is the circulation

In my limited experience this is a very good way to easily turn people around and make them marvel about the world instead of being dominated by angst.

And that is a very good thing. A great many people have completely lost perspective in their angst driven attachment to popular “causes” that have limited or negative value in the real world.

I’m reminded of my elementary school teacher in the 70s explaining to the class of 11 year olds how bad nuclear power is for the green earth.

According to this the charges are just criminal damage, aggravated trespass and interfering with national infrastructure, so they will probably just get a load of selfie opportunities with the police…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

For damaging a biz jet I could live with the minor punishment meted out, providing it is enough of a deterrent.
But, for damaging works of art they should be taken out and put in the stocks outside the museum or gallery and pelted with every sort of detritus that people passing wish to throw at them. Or perhaps birching or flaying them within an inch of their lives.
Works of art are unique and kept in galleries and museums to be seen and appreciated by all mankind.
They come from the heart and are things of beauty and or they make you think.
Without art we are nothing.
They are terrorists just as those who destroyed ancient buildings and monuments in Syria and Iraq are terrorists.
They should be treated like terrorists.
Just my 2cts.🙂


For damaging a biz jet I could live with the minor punishment meted out, providing it is enough of a deterrent.

But, it won’t be. Take a look at their photos. Do they look like they have ever had a productive job? IIRC, one of them worked in a benefits office… They are low IQ people, with no fixed assets. Nobody with assets, and a brain, will do anything like this (the organisers are older people with assets but they are just running the show via messaging apps) because the jet owner could sue them in a civil action (no need to prove a criminal act BRD) and very quickly clean them out.

Interfering with an aircraft is a jail sentence but in this case that might be “reaching for the sky and falling short” like the famous failed CAA prosecution of the Shoreham crash pilot.

The Stonehenge defacing is totally nonsensical. You would need to have an IQ below zero to rationalise it.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Did I rationalise it? Perhaps I should have added the words ancient monuments to works of art.
These things are irreplaceable and cleaning them can ruin them forever.


gallois wrote:

They should be treated like terrorists.

Yes. All of them.

Peter wrote:

the jet owner could sue them in a civil action (no need to prove a criminal act BRD) and very quickly clean them out.

They should do it anyway. IMHO the financial aspect, the realisation that they will never in their lives come out of debt anymore and live at the poverty level no matter how much they work is a harsher punishment than what our courts will do with them.

maxbc wrote:

The response is right here:

I am talking of the eco-fascist not the normal NIMBY or people who are simply ignorant about GA and bay with the dogs. There obviously trying to get them on board is a very good idea.

Silvaire wrote:

A great many people have completely lost perspective in their angst driven attachment to popular “causes” that have limited or negative value in the real world.

Which obviously is the idea. Fear and uncertainty make people follow orders and will eventually result in violence and hate. Exactly the way things are going.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland


I rather like the French version, Khmer Vert (like the Khmer Rouge of Pol Pot and his buddies).

LFMD, France

What I said is it doesn’t upset me

Why? Because you don’t own one?

LDZA LDVA, Croatia
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