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Flying and family pressure

Routinely I will take the kids to an early morning weekend sports club, then do an instructional or exam trip in the afternoon, then we will all go out for a family evening trip. It’s hard work and tiring a lot of the time but good fun. Some of my mates down a load of booze on Friday night in front of the TV, sit on their phones on the sofa until lunchtime the next day and start the booze again late afternoon; then moan weekends are too busy to do anything. Some of my other friends are so stretched on big house mortgages they can’t afford to even go out for a family walk and coffee and cake trip.

Life is all about balance I think; I’ve seen too many peers putting off things ‘until retirement’ then suffering ill health or other disasters and not being able to do stuff.

Posts are personal views only.
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

Thomas_R wrote:

I would also say that this irrational factor is one of the causes for the excessive regulation on (small) GA.

Also airliners get regulated today in a way which makes me more relaxed about not achieving the goal to become an airline pilot. Particularly the total monitoring today leads to people not flying anymore but simply managing the AP. The result pops up occasionally but generally airliner safety has improved with this. Yet the kind of scrutiny can be a huge pressure too.

LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland

MattL wrote:

Routinely I will take the kids to an early morning weekend sports club, then do an instructional or exam trip in the afternoon, then we will all go out for a family evening trip. It’s hard work and tiring a lot of the time but good fun

As you said, it’s all about the balance to budget time and money,

  • For time, for sure one can’t go flying (or anything else) without paying their due: if I am not flying, I am taking the two kids out of the house to keep them busy (no need for Mrs), if I am flying, I try to take the noisy one, then I can have my own time !
  • For money, one can think of something similar
Last Edited by Ibra at 15 Feb 09:30
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

It’s an interesting read for me. I don’t consider flying as dangerous. Right before we enter the airfield by car I keep saying “now the dangerous part of the journey is over”.

It is time and money what poses the pressure on most families.


Yes, plus unrealistic expectations.

I know there is a great deal which many of us are not posting in this thread, and that includes myself. But what the hell. It can be generally said that many women have grown up with totally unrealistic expectations regards what a man is supposed to deliver. The man (or a woman of course; times are changing but in some ways, and in some social strata, quite slowly) is expected to provide everything. He is expected to provide for a family, which nowadays means a home, holidays, two T72 tanks (one for going to work and the other for the school run) parked outside. And if possible private schooling. Concurrently, he is expected to be a good husband who spends a lot of time with the family and especially have “quality time” with the children. That is what the 1000 books lining up the “Parenting” shelves in the bookshops say, so hey it must be right. The problem is he gets home at 5pm plus commuting time (7pm, say) and he’s totally knackered.

It’s not gonna work…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

The problem is he gets home at 5pm plus commuting time (7pm, say) and he’s totally knackered.

He just needs a Red Bull .

At least for some late Dietrich Matesitz it resulted in this

LESB, Spain

Indeed; one cannot compare with motorbikes etc (I used to ride those too) because most of bike crashes involve (are caused by) a car, whereas in GA most are caused by the pilot.

FWIW, my view based on 49 years of continuous motorcycle riding in multiple countries and continents (complete with watching a great many injury accidents), 43 years of more sporadic flying since my first solo, and maybe 35 years since my dad was managing multiple engine failures in his homebuilt…

The two are actually quite similar in terms of the extent to which the ‘driver’ controls the risk of an accident.

It can be generally said that many women have grown up with totally unrealistic expectations regards what a man is supposed to deliver.

Yes, and they are often equally unrealistic about what they themselves can do in one lifetime. I’m glad that my instinct told me to stay away until finding one who in spite of being quite high strung has reasonable expectations for both of us, and is generally happy for what we can do together.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 15 Feb 15:47

Reading the NTSB fatals, overconfidence and lack of hand flying skill to a spot landing are common.

EGPE, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

It can be generally said that many women have grown up with totally unrealistic expectations regards what a man is supposed to deliver.

Can this indeed be ‘generally said’? Maybe one or two of Andrew Tates’ girlfriends said so… :-) I think it is a cultural thing that is different all over the globe. I do not experience this in my part of the world and I sure as hell don’t raise my girls with these expectations regarding men.

EHTE, Netherlands

Bobo wrote:

Can this indeed be ‘generally said’? Maybe one or two of Andrew Tates’ girlfriends said so… :-) I think it is a cultural thing that is different all over the globe. I do not experience this in my part of the world…

Neither do I. I feel a slight – but still – touch of misogony in this discussion.

Last Edited by Airborne_Again at 16 Feb 09:12
ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden
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