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Starlink and Starlink Mini

Well, I’m waiting for a device that will arrange the weather to my liking…

As to the weather information one can get nowadays, it is more than enough to keep most of us busy in preflight, and safe in flight if the previous was done seriously.

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Dan wrote:

As to the weather information one can get nowadays, it is more than enough to keep most of us busy in preflight, and safe in flight if the previous was done seriously.

Not wrong, but live – as in not delayed by 20 minutes – could still enhance safety. Just look at the highly praised Golze ADL.
But a stable satelite internet connection can also provide a plethora of alternative services, in about 50 years time when the ruling bodies can’t deny it anymore – say, talking to ATC and that not only on the north atlantic route.

Raven wrote:

Not good. He says there is a speed limit of 100mph above which the system goes offline

Yes, the reasons are actually reasonable, we talked about it in this merged thread I believe. It takes a lot more time to be viable, but this is the way to the future.

Berlin, Germany

This swiss mobile operator also plans to offer direct-to-cell connectivity via Starlink, maybe we wont even need the mini! They’ve announced the partnership here:

ELLX, Luxembourg

I read somewhere that Starlink mini is, at least initially, going to be restricted by software to prevent operation in moving environments.

Stupid anti drone usage limitation, prob99. This is the 5 year old going by the name of Elon Musk trying to appear neutral in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, playing games.

If you don’t need lots of data, or high speed, you can do it anyway with Thuraya or even Iridium. Takes me back to my experiments of 10+ years ago. It’s funny how, after all those years, one comes back to that old stuff again. Golze use the Iridium short packet service and while you can’t use it for video (Thuraya might work for low-res) you could use it for all kinds of stuff.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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