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Starlink and Starlink Mini

Peter wrote:

Also why would one need such bandwidth in a GA plane. The only thing I can think of is stopping your kids getting bored and demanding to watch movies on their Ipads.

One possible application of a reliable, high-speed internet in an aircraft is the “virtual co-pilot” and eventual “virtual captain” – imagine a 360 degree camera that you can stick in your airplane when you fly, and have a very skilled pilot virtually with you – seeing all the instruments like you – both visually and electronically, seeing the view inside and outside the cockpit, with access to voice comms like your copilot. The virtual copilot is sitting at home on the internet, with a headset, and perhaps VR goggles. In one flight, you might even have more than one virtual copilot. Anyone that’s flown with a good copilot can appreciate the value, both in convenience and safety.

They are doing virtual ATC over the internet now, connected to flight sims, and people like it. I’ll bet you can get people to be the virtual copilot for a very modest cost, and have pilots pay a slightly less modest cost to have them “fly” with you. Single pilot IFR would be a natural time to use a virtual copilot. Hence, the business.

Flame on! :D

Last Edited by eurogaguest1980 at 24 Dec 14:15
Fly more.
LSGY, Switzerland

Why the bandwidth? Well, same as with the 640k ram that is all you ever need…

To add to what @eurogaguest1980 said: if you have a heart attack, the virtual copilot could access your autopilot servos and bring the plane down in a controlled manner.
And in the next few years, there could be AI advising you on traffic it notices or advise you on things you missed, read and double check checklists or what have you
Also, you can access flight radar information, collision avoidance, get enhanced reality instructions from ATC, clear and noise free radio communication, what have you, the options are limitless – and all from a simple GPS and an internet connection.

Berlin, Germany

That would be great! For those who enjoy to have tech play the loudest note in their flying. I’m going to focus on flying the thing, enjoying the views and interact with others only when strictly needed. And if someone wants to see me, ADS-B out is on. Must be an age thing. Like @Dan in his free-roaming bird and @gallois in his Guepard. Sorry, Super Guepard.

Diversity is great.

Private field, Mallorca, Spain



Not sure I would ever bet a “serious” application on the whim of that weird character running that system.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

SpaceX is launching Starlink Mini which is about as big as a laptop. Would be a small revolution as we could have a permanent internet access on Flight Levels. Moreover it would be high speed internet, allowing downloading high res wx maps, etc.
The terminal could be just placed on a glareshield and would not require any modification of the aircraft.
I will give it a try. They say it will be available in July in Poland. We could then forget about Iridium or the other old style sat networks with ultra low speed and high cost.


very interesting! I will look it up. Keep us posted please. Edit: it seems you need a residential subscription b\to qualify for the mini . so 2 devices and 150 $ monthly

Last Edited by Flyingfish at 22 Jun 13:03
LSGG, LFEY, Switzerland

Thanks, that is very relevant to my interests.

Also, in case you didn’t see it yet, there are people who fitted the old starlink to their experimental:

I believe there will be a next generation where your, say, IPad mini can connect directly to the starlink network and as you rarely have anything but open skies above you, aviation might be one of the big beneficiaries of this technology.

Berlin, Germany

Thanks for the video Inkognito.
Not good. He says there is a speed limit of 100mph above which the system goes offline.
You probably need the aviation version which would be much more expensive.

Not good. He says there is a speed limit of 100mph above which the system goes offline.
You probably need the aviation version which would be much more expensive.

Starlink take whatever money they can. The technology is more or less the same but the residential option is the cheapest. You are wealthy and use it on a RV or boat, you pay much more. You are crazy rich and have a plane you pay the crazy price… I assume they do not charge what it costs them but simply look at markets and undercut the current technology available for this specific market.
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