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Switzerland to introduce a 500 CHF tax per private flight

The Council of States of Switzerland has accepted a proposal to introduce a 500 CHF (~460 EUR) tax for each private flight in the country. If it passes also through the National Council and becomes a law, aviation in Switzerland is going to die very quickly.

But it would be a great time for commercial pilots from the EU who want to work in Switzerland as Switzerland will not be able to train any.

Source (in German): AeCOS

Last Edited by Vladimir at 28 Sep 21:32
LSZH, LSZF, Switzerland

Well that’s pretty extreme.

Does that also include gliders?

Off_Field wrote:

Does that also include gliders?

According to the text – yes. Insane.

172driver wrote:



I really don’t understand what seems this growing desire to stop people doing anything outside of the presently approved behaviour from high command.

Wow, insane. Sounds like something they might cook up in my old home country, but in Switzerland? The home of low taxes, capitalism and Swiss banking?

What about airspace transits?

Tököl LHTL

This is part of a CO2 legislation which, if passed, will change life in this country massively. That GA is going to die on the day it happens and that there will be a mass exodus and sell out of all Swiss based GA planes before that is only one tiny bit which, in the big picture, is going to hurt a small fraction of people who have since many years seen themselfs as social outcasts due to their affinity to aviation. The fact that Avgas will take on another 15-20 cents per liter of punitive taxes will only be a side note.

The whole thing reads even more scary and some parts of it will make Vladimir’s suggestion that there will be jobs for pilots in this country look rather sarcastic: Punitive taxes on airline tickets of up to £100 per ticket will cause airline travel in this country to collapse, it will almost certainly mean Lufthansa is going to pull the plug and reduce Swiss airports to pure feeder ports with small airplanes, as nobody will accept this kind of taxes. They will fly from Mulhouse (French part of Basle), Munich, Lyon or Milan, depending where they are. I would rather suggest that a large part of Swiss airline pilots will have to look for employment abroad.

Add to that punitive taxes on heating oil and automotive fuel which will make it difficult for people to heat their homes or drive their cars. Add to that forcing people to throw away perfectly working heatings and update to electric driven heat costing 50-60k to modify. Most people won’t be able to do that so they will live in cold houses.

This “Greta” driven insanity can only be stopped if a) the elections in October would stop a predicted landslide towards the socialist-green parties (all in government but the Swiss People’s party by now) or b) the law is defeated in a referendum which the SVP has pledged it will launch. Right now the outcome is difficult to predict.

For me, I have to admit that it would be the last straw and I would strongly consider leaving the country for good, latest at my retirement.

Last Edited by Mooney_Driver at 29 Sep 04:39
LSZH(work) LSZF (GA base), Switzerland


ESSZ, Sweden

What about cars? Will they receive the same tax?

The elephant is the circulation

My feeling is nothing is gonna happen (maybe a tax on airline/biz jet flights, that’s it). I’ll bookmark this thread.

LO__, Austria
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