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UK GAR form discussion, and UK border police procedures

Actually I sometimes do, because it has fields for both out and return… and for non EU destinations you have to. Same I believe for anyone with a non-EU passport and I had that once or twice, years ago.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Fuji_Abound wrote:

How many people file a GAR outbound?

It’s required outbound for destinations in Ireland, or the Channel Islands (not sure about IOM).

EIWT Weston, Ireland

I asked the question because I am always surprised for Europe (EU) bound flights how many people do – of course you are not required to do so for the outbound leg. I was asked for the first time in about 20 years whether I had done so by a couple of very pleasant plods a few weeks back – even they thought an outbound GAR was required.

Filing with OnlineGAR outbound to the Netherlands works well, as OnlineGAR will send the GAR info as a GenDec to the Dutch authorities. So, you can tackle that part as well with the same ease.

Last Edited by AeroPlus at 07 Oct 08:09
EDLE, Netherlands

even they thought an outbound GAR was required

Sometimes these people are stupid but sometimes they are clever… I remember in 1979, aged 22, I got a VAT inspection and the inspector asked if I have a company car so I pointed him to the one parked outside… he said “you didn’t forget to claim back the VAT on it, did you?” to which I replied “you can’t claim back VAT on cars” to which he replied “you would be amazed how many people don’t know that” It’s a standard trick.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

An investigative journalist of the Daily Mail has found a major flaw in border control between Britain and the continent. It is possible to fly from France into the UK without getting our passports checked. Fortunately, Theresa May’s government have been made aware of this crucial flaw in British security, and are taking the appropriate measures to reinforce border control.



Yes… this hit the news about 2 years ago when some low grade “journalist” rented a Seneca out of Bournemouth and flew to France and back, and ran a sensationalist piece on how their passports were not checked and how they could have brought back a bunch of Vietnamese…

Fortunately everybody in charge knows how this works…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

GAR consultation – quietly forgotten, or is anything likely to change?


It caused a few threads here when it came up two years ago. The status is currently “We are analysing your feedback”, but two years have passed since the consultation closed.

Has it been quietly forgotten, and no changes are expected?

Andreas IOM

I should think on the back burner with BREXIT for a number of reasons.

Update (which other may already be aware of): Online GAR now has a facility to cancel a GAR and to receive a formal receipt by email that a GAR cancellation has been submitted to the relevant authorities. Here is mine from this morning:

Confirmation Details
Outbound Receipt 20170826_092503_GOTUI_2836038_Goav8
Outbound Manifest Number 95899
Outbound Submitted Time Sat August 26 2017 10:25
Cancelled Outbound Yes – Cancelled
Cancel Reason Flight cancelled – poor weather forecast

I accessed the ability to cancel the GAR by using the link that appeared in the email sent to me by Online GAR when I first submitted the GAR. I accessed Online GAR through Skydemon. The two systems work entirely seamlessly together.

Now if someone could just improve the weather in Northern Ireland on a permanent basis, I’d be much happier.


Flying a TB20 out of EGTR
Elstree (EGTR), United Kingdom
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