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UK GAR form discussion, and UK border police procedures

When is someone going to produce a website which scripts the sgar one but works properly e.g. does both journeys in one go?

I can probably get it done for a few k.

You would still define passport etc details on the sgar one, so this site doesn’t need to store any of that.

It would make trips with the same subset of defined people quick to do.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It has just been reported on a UK domestic GA chat site that the Border Force demanded a GAR at the destination, for a flight from Wales to England!

Specifically on a flight Cardiff to an English farm strip.

This indicates psychic powers on the part of the BF, because despite efforts over decades, Wales has not yet left the UK. They prob99 cannot afford to, anyway… who would pick up the social security bill?

More likely, it indicates that the Border Force have lowered their max IQ requirement yet again… I had some fun with them on these two circular trips when they had to get head office confirmation that one could not catch covid while airborne.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Airborne_Again wrote:

Is it just me or do UK authorities have a thing about threatening people into compliance? Whenever you come to a UK airport (as commercial pax) you see lots of notices about how abuse of staff is not tolerated, how doing this and that would give you some punishment. I can’t say I’ve seen that in other countries.

It’s absolutely everywhere in the UK.

At some point (perhaps gradually, certainly within my lifetime) we reached a point where everything in the UK is so broken that the general public routinely have reason to be upset at the service they are receiving. The vast majority bear it stoically, but when it’s on such a scale it will very occasionally tip over into verbal or even physical abuse of staff. Hence the warnings.

I take it as a measure of an organisation’s general competence. The worse they are, the more prominent the signs.


Fernando wrote:

In Portugal, where I’m from, a driver is stopped on average once a year by the police. I’ve been in the UK for 17 years and never happened to me.

We’ve done this before, but the relationship between the police and the public in the UK is fundamentally different to that in many other countries, particularly mainland Europe.

In the UK a policeman is very definitely your servant. He is there to help you and beyond certain limited circumstances has no general power of control over you.

In many other countries, he is de facto your boss and must be obeyed.


Graham wrote:

In many other countries, he is de facto your boss and must be obeyed.

That’s a good point and precisely how the Portuguese police have made me feel for many years. I can’t say that I miss them :)

EGSU, United Kingdom

@Fernando it’s funny that. I know of many people/families who have moved to Portugal. 3 Brit friends and 2 members of the aeroclub here at LFFK. Portugal seems to have become the new Nirvana.
At the same time one of my neighbours who came from a wealthy Portugese family left there because he was too left wing.
Perception is a strange thing that isn’t it?🙂

Last Edited by gallois at 12 Jul 07:05

@gallois, I didn’t leave Portugal for political reasons :)

I was just taking about the way police acts. I guess Portuguese and French police have similar approaches when compared with the British.

Regarding politics, Portugal has been the new nirvana for a few decades, in particular for Brits retiring into Algarve or Cascais. All you need is a bit of money. And if you don’t have that, like a lot of locals, than you migrate :)

EGSU, United Kingdom

Police attitudes are heavily related to whether they carry a 9mm I’ve written this before here. Police who are armed need a much better selection and more training (particularly to weed out those who enjoy guns a bit too much; I used to fly with a firearms carrying squad guy – MP5) but this does not happen in most places.

In the UK, a stupid police officer has do only limited damage, and he knows it.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Sorry @Fernando I didn’t mean to imply that you left for political reasons, if that’s the impression I gave you.


@gallois, please don’t apologise. I got it :) I have a troubled relationship with my home country. How can I love a country that treats GA so badly?

Last Edited by Fernando at 12 Jul 08:26
EGSU, United Kingdom
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