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Insurance companies, premiums, exclusions, etc

I would like to see how they calculate/consider the Vatican City for an aeroplane

Happy only when flying
Sabaudia airstrip LISB, Italy

How much would a 2002 tb20 cost in Germany, 190k gbp agreed value, 1 named pilot with 2500hrs and a cpl/ir?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I have no idea. In any case, it will depend on too many (additional) factors.
Also, I am not sure you could ensure an aircraft that is permanently based in the UK in Germany (language barriers aside).

But in any case, insurances are much more straightforward here. The other thing is that many aircraft in the UK (specifically club aircraft) seem to have insurance requirements regarding recent flight experience of the pilot. This is unheard of here.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

What I was getting at is that fewer exclusions → higher premium. I don’t think German pilots have less crashes or have cheaper crashes than UK pilots, for example.

Can you have Agreed Value in Germany? It is what you get on a total loss. But it must cost more than insuring for Market Value.

I would like to see how they calculate/consider the Vatican City for an aeroplane

They do helicopters too.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

How much would a 2002 tb20 cost in Germany, 190k gbp agreed value, 1 named pilot with 2500hrs and a cpl/ir?

If you can pretend, for the sake of argument, that a TB is a Mooney, you can get a rough guestimate from the European Mooney Pilots and Owners Association here

Looks like around 1700 EUR for the hull, third party either 330 or 380 eur (4 or 5 mil eur coverage), or go for a CSL policy for 900 or 950 eur depending on coverage amount (5 or 6 mil eur). So you would most likely pay 2650 eur, give or take. Plus 50 eur for EMPOA membership, so make it an even 2700 eur (((240000 * 0.008) / 1.15 ) + 950)

So if Haywards wanted 3k GBP and Visicover half of that, you paid significantly less (give or take 1750 eur). Unless that’s hull only, without 3rd party / CSL, in which case it’s spot on.

EPKP - Kraków, Poland

The 1.3k GBP is hull and 3rd party, 5M, 7.5M if flying to govt aerodromes. You cannot avoid 3rd party in the EU.

It is also agreed value 190k GBP, not market value.

So it looks like the UK is a lot cheaper, with this broker, and with the insurer being Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty SE.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Of mild interest is the underwriter for my insurance this year is German (through Haywards) and unlike all the previous insurers I’ve had, don’t restrict to particular named pilots, nor are there any requirements I can find other than “any pilot approved by me” (no mention of minimum hours or minimum time in type or ‘must be checked out by a QFI who has time in the Auster 5J1’ which was in last year’s)

Andreas IOM

Don’t you have CSL in the UK? What do you then have for insurance for the persons on board?

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

You just push them out; it improves your glide ratio

Of mild interest is the underwriter for my insurance this year is German (through Haywards) and unlike all the previous insurers I’ve had, don’t restrict to particular named pilots, nor are there any requirements I can find other than “any pilot approved by me” (no mention of minimum hours or minimum time in type or ‘must be checked out by a QFI who has time in the Auster 5J1’ which was in last year’s)

I had that in 2002 when I got the plane – it was called “club use”. It cost £6k but covered anybody with a PPL. 195k hull value. I dropped that after a few years, for various reasons, one of which was constant problems with some of the others.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

My premium increased this year too, by 5%.
I was said that the times were not good for aircraft insurers, and that some companies were withdrawing from the market.
Increases are said to be between 5 and 25%.

Right now, I have 195k€ + 5M 3rd party + capital for pilot and passengers, for 3200€ / year.
This includes the possibility to rent the aircraft to any pilot with 200hr+.

PS: could it be related to the PA46 accident last winter ?

Last Edited by PetitCessnaVoyageur at 18 Apr 14:34
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