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In-flight icing incident in Cirrus SR22T (FIKI)

It would be great to hear if maintenance found anything in this case. Crucially, any turbo issue should be capable of being confirmed. I believe the aircraft is now for sale, so we may never hear the final chapter.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

It would take a simple experiment to take an iron bolt covered in oil/grease place it in TKS fluid for 2 days then leave it to air dry should see rust in about 1 month.

Do the same to a piece of iron sheet with ACF 50 on it and then see the results. I dont think where it counts, inside the wings and fuselage there is enough TKS fluid to wash anything out.

By the way heavy rain and just time would do the same thing with hinges. Thats why it is recommended things be lubed at certain intervals by the maintenance manual.


I have been offline for some time and noticed the ongoing discussion. I must say that in general the COPA forum is top. Indeed, the Americans can become a little moralizing over certain issues, but I can’t understand those flying the Cirrus to not be a member of that forum. It is highly active with loads of quality posts. Great effort is done by lots of of the members. I have been to several COPA events and enjoyed all of them (well … most of them). And it is a great aircraft to fly.

EDLE, Netherlands

Hi @AeroPlus, is there any update?
Did the parameter readout unveil any new information?

Not yet.

EDLE, Netherlands

Has there been any update on this anywhere? Did anything get posted in the $60/year Cirrus forum?

I would think existing and prospective SR22T owners would be very concerned if this was something generally applicable to the type, even if very few of them do such altitudes and in IMC.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I would think a wastegate or upper deck pressure controller failure is quite likely to happen on all turbo engines, not only those flown at high altitude in IMC.

No news.

It’s $ 65! … and really worth it!. And I get a 25 % discount for the data from Jeppesen as a COPA member.

The SR22T was not mine, even though I flew it much more than the owner of the aircraft. The owner had tried to put his Cirrus in a group of 4-5 pilots but that initiative failed. He put his plane for sale and it was sold in a very short time. I think the new German owner came to look at the aircraft just the week before I flew the Cirrus to Malta and back and had that icing incident. When I returned the aircraft was sold and delivered without further technical reviews in all a very short time. The owner now got himself a Blackshape Prime, which is a completely other type of aircraft. I tried to get the data from the Cirrus dealer but no go for that. I have no access anymore to the aircraft. I am sorry. I really miss the SR22T as it was for me the ideal aircraft and flew it a lot each year for the last few years.

EDLE, Netherlands

Pretty awesome that Blackshape.

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