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Fuel and customs stop in Holland/Germany

i know, which is why i mention it… might change for April though.
AvGas in Luxemburg has never been especially at a good price, unlike mogas (which can be around 0.2 EUR/l cheaper )

ELLX (Luxembourg), Luxembourg

Sorry didn’t know avgas pricing there. Their Jet-A1 is very cheap.

EGTK Oxford

Thanks very much for all the advice, everybody. I’ll be in a Grumman Tiger, which has a decent 550+nm range, but as I’m just an IMC-rated pilot I’ll have to fly VFR when in Europe, so VFR fields will be fine. Would be keen to avoid those big-airport handling fees – bit of grass, a cheery customs bloke with a hat and a clipboard and some AVGAS is all I need.

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