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Can I have an unofficial private airstrip in France?

Thanks for finding this out ! Indeed it looks like a big overhaul. There’s not much about “aérosurfaces”, although from what I gather it’s the definition of the occasional ULM field. (I was hoping that it could be an equivalent to helicopters “hélisurfaces” for aircrafts, well everyone can dream !)

But I found this nice piece :
“Les hydravions ou les avions amphibies peuvent atterrir ou décoller sur un plan d’eau autre qu’une hydrobase, sous réserve d’une utilisation occasionnelle du plan d’eau et que soient respectées les mesures de sécurité et autres conditions définies par arrêté du ministre de l’intérieur et du ministre chargé de l’aviation civile.”
So…. hydroplanes can land wherever they want ??? Isn’t that completely new ?

Last Edited by maxbc at 30 May 13:09

maxbc wrote:

So…. hydroplanes can land wherever they want ??? Isn’t that completely new ?

Well, not quite since this it calls out for an ‘arrêté du ministre de l’intérieur…‘, which then means that one have to find this ’arrêté’ and figure things out from there. I would not be too surprised if this ‘arrêté’ does not exist and thus you can only land a seaplane on designated ‘hydrosurface’…
I will check further though since I fly seaplanes from Biscarrosse every now and then so it would be good to know in details.

ENVA, Norway

maxbc wrote:

There’s not much about “aérosurfaces”, although from what I gather it’s the definition of the occasional ULM field. (I was hoping that it could be an equivalent to helicopters “hélisurfaces” for aircrafts, well everyone can dream !)

Actually, ‘aerosurface’ is a new route for ‘one-off/occasional use’ as in your dream (it’s equivalent of helisurface for SEP) whereas ‘aerodrome prive’ is the route for permanent private usage (SEP or Helis). In both cases, DGAC is involved and having 600m helps a lot, of course you need mayor opinion, land owner permission, quiet neighbor, no flight training, no money involved

For ULM, you don’t need that form for one-off landing outside airports, actually, DGAC is not even involved…
You don’t need to written mayor permission, a chat on Sunday market is enough

Last Edited by Ibra at 30 May 13:47
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Maxbc look at LF8528 Lucon LF8569 Les Guifettes then at Lucon Chasnais , LF8522 La Tranche sur Mer,
All a private airfields of different types. If you fly around the area you will see at least 2 other private airstrip (unmarked on map).
One used to belong to Charles Olivier aka Dr Potez. Sadly he is no longer with us but his son still lives there and uses the 800m airstrip for his rather large model aircraft. That is a grass strip but as you arrive on the 08 at LFFK you will fly over a tarmac runway for model aircraft.
Then at Talmont St Hilaire another private strip for the Vendee Airpark.
That’s just a few of the different types of private airfield within about 30nm of LFFK.
Just goes to show that anything is possible 🙂


From what I understand, an “aérosurface” is what ULMs create when they land outside an airfield. Although the definition is not given anywhere in the law.

The authorization form specifies quite explicitly that it’s used for 1) private aerodrome and 2) “aérosurface” which do not fit the regular criteria for landing anywhere without authorization (in natural reserves, etc.).

I highly doubt something as revolutionary as aircrafts being able to land anywhere (with the owner’s permission) would have made so little noise. The law seems quite clear to me because this clearly lists every category that has such authorizations (section 2):

  • helicopters and their “hélisurface”
  • mountain landings
  • aerial work
  • special categories: ULMs, gliders and hydroplanes.

Nowhere regular aircrafts appear, which I find quite coherent with the rest (I don’t think aircrafts landing outside aerodromes was ever on the table).
The definition of “aérosurface” is never given but it makes sense in this context that it’s what ULMs create when they land anywhere.

EDIT: the spirit of the lawmaker confirms my interpretation (i.e. there was never any question of regular aircrafts landing outside aerodromes) :
“Le projet permet d’étendre, sous certaines conditions, les décollages et atterrissages hors aérodromes aux aéronefs qui circulent sans aucune personne à bord, parachutes, dirigeables, planeurs remorqués par ULM et planeurs ultra-légers.”
“The project aims at extending, under certain conditions, takeoff and landing outside aerodromes to unmanned aircrafts, parachutes, baloons, ULM-towed gliders and ultralight gliders.”

It does mean that the procedure for creating a private aerodrome could become simpler and more streamlined though.

Last Edited by maxbc at 30 May 14:37

As for hydroplanes, apparently it’s nothing new but subject to many constraints

It’s a whole bunch of notifications to the administration, and more importantly subject to authorization from the Préfet if the water body is in the public domain (it’s simpler for private bodies of water).

Last Edited by maxbc at 30 May 14:45

maxbc wrote:

It does mean that the procedure for creating a private aerodrome could be simpler though.

Yes it’s for aerodromes (SEP, Avion) and it’s simpler now: one-off you tick ‘aerosurface’ for permanent you tick ‘AD prive’ (old procedures required load of signoff: inspector, douane, police, prefet…), it’s not for ULM…

The concept is useless for licensed flying (glider flying, aeroclub flying, aircraft, training…), they need licensed aerodromes with certified surfaces and distances = AIP/VAC entry

DGAC is serious about this: the will peel skin and pull bones of an instructor who teach SEP flying in ULM strips, private AD…

In the other hand, they relaxed some rules under NCO/SPA:

  • You can operate private aircraft on private aerodrome
  • You can have parachuting club on private aerodrome
Last Edited by Ibra at 30 May 14:50
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

gallois wrote:

Maxbc look at LF8528 Lucon LF8569 Les Guifettes then at Lucon Chasnais , LF8522 La Tranche sur Mer,
All a private airfields of different types. If you fly around the area you will see at least 2 other private airstrip (unmarked on map).

Yes these are private aerodromes or ULM bases (instead of the regular VAC there’s generally a small PDF in freeform, at least I can access those on SDVFR). Those have clearly gone through the Préfet authorization (through the form posted above).

There is also this form but I think it’s destined to the environmental authority (maybe not the Préfet, I don’t exactly know). It’s a request to waive specific environmental impact assessment given the benign circumstances. I would fill this in and attach to the above CERFA and see what the Préfecture says.

Last Edited by maxbc at 30 May 15:00

Ibra wrote:

You can operate private aircraft on private aerodrome

This was already the case. The procedure for creating a private aerodrome is nearly identical and has been discussed on this forum last summer
It doesn’t even look like the authorization form itself is new.

Last Edited by maxbc at 30 May 15:02

Yes it was always the case, I mean the process to get a private AD is way simpler now: one single form to DGAC For one-off landing in the grass away from Paris, it gets approved without back and forth…there has been no change in the underlying rules (*), however, less agencies are involved and reshuffle with ‘shock of simplification’

(*)Most of the laws were moved from code aviation civil to code of transport in 2023, some bits were edited to pave the way to Drones and eVTOL

Last Edited by Ibra at 30 May 15:07
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom
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