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Aircraft identification

Saw a very small aircraft today - tiny - on the same scale as a C42 - but retractable; composite; registration I-8249; very sleek. Does anybody know what it might be?

It'd be lucky and nice if somebody knows the exact aircraft, but I-8249 would likely be an Italian Aero Club microlight/ultralight registration in the old format. If it was a sleek, shapely retractable that narrows the field, and if its low wing then one guess would be an Alpi Pioneer. Like this?

I Believe the image shown is a Falco. A fellow I knew had one, and really enjoyed it. He then bought a Bellanca Viking, I suppose for something similar, but larger.

Home runway, in central Ontario, Canada, Canada

The photo is an Alpi Pioneer

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

I think that's the one - thanks.

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