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Flying limited in The Netherlands during Nuclear Security Summit from 23rd until the 26th of March

It was the same when Obama visited Berlin…. all of Berlin’s airspace was closed to GA “for his security” – when does one person believe their security is more important than the legitimate pursuit of happiness of thousands of others……

[excessively political part of the political statement deleted]

Last Edited by Peter at 10 Feb 09:03
EDL*, Germany

I am tempted to fly there IFR just because…

EGTK Oxford
I remember what Mr. Wolfgang Schäuble, former Minister of the Interior in Germany once said : “The biggest threatening comes from private pilots.” Obviously the authorities in the Netherlands think similar and therefore the business of KLM. Lufthansa, BA and others is not affected.
Berlin, Germany

Actually it is very sad to see how fear is driving a lot of behavior these days. :-(

Frequent travels around Europe

Football fans are up in arms as well as all matches have been cancelled due to lack of manpower to provide police support

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Will cars and trucks be prohibited entry to those zones as well?
Will local businesses also be required to close down operations and stop production?
I can’t hold it but I see a movie plot unfold here …

I guess a number of business transactions will not take place during that time because there is no way to get to the Netherlands – not even on an IFR flight, as it will be non-airline and thus non-scheduled.

Frequent travels around Europe

Yes, this is over-reaction. Some bureaucrats did not think this through. The chairman of my flying club in Eindhoven (EHEH) just confirmed that there will be no flying, even though we are outside of the 50nm circle. Potentially this is because EHEH is a military base (but than again other military fields are not affected).

Also I don’t understand why they use a 50nm radius. Why not close down the Amsterdam FIR? The boundaries are more clear to every VFR flyer in the Netherlands. The boundaries are probably set by non-flying bureaucrats…


Lelystad will be closed for vfr traffic for the duration with severe limitations on ifr traffic

EHLE / Lelystad, Netherlands, Netherlands

Completely crazy. Why don’t they ground all of Dutch GA … would be more simple to understand.

50nm??? This seems like a huge over-reaction. I really wonder about the mentality of the people that come up with this kind of idea.

Looks like VFR departures from Runway 23 at Lelystad will be forbidden – it appears that the ATZ is half-in and half-out of the no-VFR / PPR-for-unscheduled-IFR zone (NSS Den Haag 50). That should make things interesting. One would think that someone would have had the sense to leave Lelystad out of the restricted zone. As you suggest jkv, most GA will probably just stay on the ground for the four day period.

I read elsewhere that the Polderbaan (18R-36L) at Schiphol will be used for parking during the Summit – and I believe it may also undergo some maintenance either before or afterwards (I haven’t checked the NOTAM). One good thing to come from this is shorter taxiing times at Amsterdam.

EGTT, The London FIR
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