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Flapless landing

My SEP rating and IR rating are currently out of sync. SEP expires in january, IR in May. How can I get them in sync, i.e. expiring on the same date?

Mine as well and lady in agency told me it was impossible to sync them

LDZA LDVA, Croatia
But the SEP only requires a sign off if you have the 12 hours!
Can one do that for ever? I thought it was doable only every 2nd time, or something like that.

Otherwise, why are all those PPL holders going for a flight with an instructor every 2 years?

I’ve just done it the third time in a row.

You need a flight with an instructor, but that can be anything, e.g. a club checkout

[quote fixed]

Last Edited by Peter at 11 Dec 21:42

Quite a few aeroplanes will try to spin if you stall it with a lot of rudder in. A (very) few also have inaccurate ASIs in sideslip.

But no aeroplanes I know change pitch attitude significantly in sideslip, so keep the pitch attitude right, and the risk should be minimal.


Boffin at large
Various, southern UK.
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