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EU dual papers regulation - enforced at EDTF Freiburg

He will need two medicals.

I still find it interesting that all discussion of their interpretation of the reg has been avoided. Kafka?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Fortunately for the guy here, getting an EASA license if holding a valid US license has become easier in recent years. Still a few hoops to jump through, but not too bad.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

who else would it be

Well that depends on your country’s legal framework. In a civilised country you don’t go and convict somebody just because there isn’t a clear target; that would be straight out of Tom Sawyer Here, you could avoid parking fines by having a company owned (“company fleet”) car and by not appointing anybody to the position of a “fleet manager”. It worked until they changed the law.

not defined anywhere for an individual


I have seen the subject’s correspondence with the German authorities and it refers mainly to the permit. In relation to the dual papers requirement, it merely says “here is the application form to convert your license”.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Indeed, forgot about that one. As a matter of principle, Germany doesn’t have a separate set of rules for nationally regulated non-ultralight aircraft, thes simply say that European regs are valid. This also applies to maintenance, where, a priori, Part-ML etc. would not apply.

I assume that most EU countries have the same.

Here is the text section from LuftPersV.

(2) Die Bestimmungen der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1178/2011 werden auch angewendet auf Luftfahrzeuge nach Anhang I Buchstabe a bis d, g und h der Verordnung (EU) 2018/1139 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 4. Juli 2018 zur Festlegung gemeinsamer Vorschriften für die Zivilluftfahrt und zur Errichtung einer Agentur der Europäischen Union für Flugsicherheit sowie zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. 2111/2005, (EG) Nr. 1008/2008, (EU) Nr. 996/2010, (EU) Nr. 376/2014 und der Richtlinien 2014/30/EU und 2014/53/EU des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates, und zur Aufhebung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. 552/2004 und (EG) Nr. 216/2008 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates und der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 3922/91 des Rates (ABl. L 212 vom 22.8.2018, S. 1). Sind die Anforderungen der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1178/2011 im Einzelfall nicht oder nur mit unverhältnismäßig hohem Aufwand erfüllbar, so kann die zuständige Behörde von ihrer Anwendung absehen, wenn ein mindestens vergleichbarer Sicherheitsstandard erreicht wird. Die Lizenz wird bei Eintrag einer Musterberechtigung für Luftfahrzeuge nach Satz 1 durch ein nationales Beiblatt ergänzt. Auf den Luftfahrzeugen nach Satz 1 absolvierte Flugstunden werden auf die fortlaufende Flugerfahrung angerechnet. Die Luftfahrzeuge nach Satz 1 können zur Ausbildung und zur Durchführung von praktischen Prüfungen, Befähigungsüberprüfungen und Kompetenzbeurteilungen genutzt werden, vorausgesetzt der Ausbildungsbetrieb sowie die Lehrberechtigten und Flugprüfer verfügen über die entsprechende Zulassung oder Berechtigung.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Once again, it is unclear whether the aeroplane comes within the scope of the Basic Regulation.

It should be clear in Germany: Article 3 of the German LuftPersV applies EASA-FCL to all Annex I aircraft other than microlights and gyrocopters.

The only legal questions are whether a private owner-pilot is an operator (most likely, who else would it be?) and if an EU-resident non-EU national is “established” (not defined anywhere for an individual, AFAIK)

Last Edited by Cobalt at 28 Mar 23:58
Biggin Hill


The BfL as legal representative (of the regional aviation authority) can issue a “Startverbot”, meaning you must not take-off there and then.
If you take off anyway you are in a whole new (il-)legal situation.

And yes, he should be able todemonstrate he is actually authorised to act on behalf…

EDM_, Germany

Once again, it is unclear whether the aeroplane comes within the scope of the Basic Regulation.

London, United Kingdom

Peter wrote:

But what is “grounding”?

The pilot you referred to hasn’t been “grounded”. (S)he was been informed that (s)he can’t legally fly the aircraft in EASA-land without obtaining an EASA license. That was true before the ramp check as well. The ramp check changed nothing as regards the pilot’s status – only the pilot’s awareness of that status.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

arj1 wrote:

Is it possible that an a/c with no EASA TC could be registered in EASA world?

Yes, sure. E.g. Cessna 172 models earlier than R and S do not have an EASA TC. In fact, the search function for TC’s on the EASA web site does not allow you to enter a year earlier than 2004.

My understanding was you need either an EASA TC (which could be just a validation if bilateral agreement exists).

If any validations exist, then there is no obvious way of finding them on the EASA web site.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Not as certified, not possible.

As Annex 1, yes, e.g. a Lancair 320 can be NL-reg.

Germany has a law that provides for the authorities of the states to take care of the safety of aviation.
They can pass on this duty to persons at the airfields/airports. In such case, the person that talks to you on the radio is not only a dreaded ‘Flugleiter’ without mich clout, but may also be a BfL, authorised to act on behalf of the regional authorities.

I would still want to see the person’s credentials.

For example does the Flugleiter have the power of arrest? And he would need that to stop you moving yourself.

“Grounding” a pilot is legally complicated; it is a licensing action and I doubt any civilised country has the means to do it on the spot. The police can, by arresting you But what is “grounding”?

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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