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C206 - Chute opens at the wrong time, all divers and pilot jump out and survive

This article shocked me – apparently a pilot bailed out of a C206 leaving his six passengers to their fates…. spoiler alert: All survived, apparently…

Two things: If I was a passenger, I would buy a lottery ticket. And if I was the pilot, I would be asking myself serious questions about leaving my passengers to an uncertain fate……..

edited to add: Apparently it was a sky diver machine and looking at the picture of the wreckage, I’m unsure whether anyone could have walked away so they likely also bailed out….. so probably typical sensationalist Daily Smell reporting….

Last Edited by Steve6443 at 26 May 20:45
EDL*, Germany

Apparently it was an untimely opening of one of the jumper´s chutes. The pilot bailed out after the jumpers. Good example of how you should take part of what you read in the papers with a pinch of salt.


@Peter in that case the title should be amended, because it sounds like an accusation where the pilot did everything right.


What should it be? I haven’t had time to watch the video.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Well, according to the headlines of the newspaper article, the pilot bailed out leaving the “passengers” to face their fate. Looking at the pictures of the aircraft, my first reaction was: what an absolute **** as the aircraft pictured looked like a “normal” aircraft, not a sky diving machine. Will teach me not to trust headlines…. Just rename it as “another sky diving aircraft accident due to premature chute deployment”, please

Last Edited by Steve6443 at 27 May 06:32
EDL*, Germany

Yeah if he bailed out after the jumpers the title is very clear misinformation…

It should have been : “chute opens at the wrong time, all divers and pilot jump out and survive”

The title apparently was changed, it now reads “Pilot ‘parachutes out of crashing plane with six other passengers on board’”, which is still as wrong. And the article heavily implies that passengers surviving is “miraculous”, only acknowledging at the very end that they were all skydivers with parachutes (nothing miraculous, especially if the pilot was still somewhat flying when they jumped). Really bottom of the barrel press, with more misleading statements in the article.


If they were at 14k then I’m guessing it was as one the jumpers rotated through the door. One of the most critical moments especially in a small plane like a 206 with a restricted door opening.

Most jump aircraft have a knife and a pole, but frankly unless cutting a jumper away from being stuck on the tail, immediate exit is the preferred option.

Just like flying, all it takes is a moments inattention

Lottery ticket time as you say.

If only I’d known that….
EGSH. Norwich. , United Kingdom
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