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Cherbourg LFRC - Is it PPR or PNR according to this AIP entry?

There is no permanent customs in Cherbourg anymore. An AIP update is pending. It is unfortunate they have not published a NOTAM.


The AIP writer needs to take more care with the grammar e.g. put it on two lines

1800-2200 O/R with PN before 1700 to SECMA

If it really is 24hrs PNR (like Caen etc) that is a different thing.

However another UK pilot, intimately familiar with France and this region in particular, told me yesterday this 24hrs PN requirement has been there for years (possibly since the huge withdrawal they implemented in 2011) so I looked at the AIP again before flying and saw nothing there.

The blindingly obvious thing is that this must come up a lot since half the UK flies to these northern French airports… so how come I am the first to write about it? OTOH the French are suddenly policing these airports rigorously which they didn’t do for the 17 years I have been flying there…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I think it is gibberish with or without comma.

Interestingely enough the information for 24h notice to customs is well hidden on the airport‘s website and shown in the french language version only. Probably police referred to this.



When I was in Jersey a few years ago there was indeed 24 hrs PN for Customs published in the AIP and I cleared immigration there on my way back. Since then they had permanent immigration on site for a while. I cannot say when that changed. That has now been withdrawn. The new AIP entry has not yet been published.

From: “Aeroport, Cherbourg”
Cc: “Marcoux, Pascal”
Subject: Préavis de douane
Date: Sun, Apr 15, 2018 09:44

Les Douanes ne sont plus là pendant les heures d’ouvertures mais que sur demande et 24h à l’avance, le document que vous avez mis en copie n’est plus à jour et le nouveau n’a pas encore été publié.


De :
Envoyé : samedi 14 avril 2018 21:17
À : [email protected]
Cc : [email protected]
Objet : Préavis de douane

Madame, Monsieur

Je souhaiterais me renseigner sur un éventuel préavis de douane/immigration en vigueur pour des vols extra-Schengen à destination ou d’origine de l’aéroport de Cherbourg. L’AIP pour Cherbourg en PJ laisse entendre qu’il n’y a pas besoin de déposer de préavis pour des vols effectués pendant les heures d’ouverture des services de douane/immigration, mais pour des vols effectués en dehors de ces horaires, un préavis doit être déposé avant 17h le jour même.

Merci de bien vouloir confirmer mon interprétation de l’AIP ou à défaut préciser l’interprétation qu’il faut en faire.


I replied to them they should publish a NOTAM but have not received a reply to that yet.


The email address [email protected] bounces back; it is probably duff.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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