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Cirrus fans v everyone else

I think in most operations the go around is compulsory at half scale deflection for CAT 1 and one dot for CAT 2 or 3.

But this is quite heavy for a light hearted skit of a thread, isn’t it?

EGKB Biggin Hill

Pilot-H perhaps go missed at 3/4 deflection? The EASA IR practical test standard is half deflection, and the FAA ATP is one dot. EASA ATP is a line check after being eligible to be ‘unfrozen’, so presume is to one dot as well. A heavy jet at CAT 1 minima would struggle to be stabilised with half deflection.

Oxford (EGTK), United Kingdom

Those who go missed off a previously established approach if they see full deflection of the needles: Disestablismentarianism…

Those who won’t go missed off a previously established approach even though they see full deflection of the needles: Antidisestablishmentarianism…

Numerology vs Hedonism… flying by the numbers vs flying by what feels good.

EuroFlyer wrote:

The plastic priests vs the metal monks….

The Alluminati vs The Carbonists

Last Edited by AF at 05 Jan 11:45

Apparently there is a small cult who still believe that VMC is required for VFR. Bless

EGKB Biggin Hill

Those who believe that landing at unattended airfields is the work of the devil (read: Germans) and those who don’t (read: Rest of World).

Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany

Those who believe Europe needs customised European regulation, and those who believe a system which has worked for decades is fine because the air is the same everywhere. Not suggesting the FAA scene is perfect… far from it.

Those who believe that the buck should stop with an individual person, and those who believe that only an organisation can be trusted.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Those who believe in freedom of flight but are ridiculed by their professional colleagues for their minimalist machines – vs. those who fly big iron when and where others tell them to.

Or: Those who wear uniforms vs. those who don’t.

I do realize @Jason et al. do not fit into either category.

Hungriger Wolf (EDHF), Germany
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