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Morane-Saulnier Rallye Series (Morane-Pilot Thread)

johnh wrote:

Indeed I do though I know nothing about the Rallye. He seems to have done a thoroughly good job on my TB20 and he seems to be pretty much the go-to mechanic for everyone at Cannes.

warning off-topic: I had some really technic discussion on the various planes I was interested to buy. I actually send him just once on an old TB10 and he did a very good job finding all naughty stuffs, what could be discussed and the quirks of previous bad/missed maintenance. I know that both aeroclub I was in are giving Gontrand some work to do when their own mechanic is facing too much work, and his technic abilities and rightness on the paperwork is a benchmark, apparently. And still available on the phone (I bet – me as a prospect).
gallois wrote:

Shimmy damper on the nose wheel was a problem. It’s too small. And if you let the hydraulic fluid get too low it can cause damage and it’s over €1000 to replace

It’s much more. for this oprice, you only have the fluid. Our Rally has the luck to get a brand new shimmy damper assembly, and the whole operation costs 6K€ for the parts only.
Our rally is a 180 galerien, with a stick and manual flaps, but a very low usefull load. It’s the lighter version of the whole family, whereas the 893 serie is heavier but also has a better load.
We had the fuel tank recently also, very expensive also, we were lucky to find – what appears to be the last pair of tanks. 120kn looks a bit high for me, but a 893 why not. Some 893 have a VP prop, and the -e version have a yoke. The real issue with 235 is the consumption…

Last Edited by greg_mp at 02 Jun 20:13
LFMD, France

Any idea what speed / burn would the 235 have ? The 180 is probably a better fit for the airframe but for short takeoffs it could be really good. There is very little info about Rallyes online…

I think the dated annual explains the relatively low price.


@maxbc I think you.really need to try them out and look at the performance figures for the individual plane.
Many people tailored Rallyes to suit their individual needs eg different props for glider towing. Many gliding clubs had and still have them.
It looks like greg_mps club has sacrificed speed on their Galerien for better mountain flying capability. I agree with him they tend to be a bit thirsty.
IMO the Rallye is an acquired taste. Owners tend to love them. For myself I didn’t like the nose wheel and taxiing but the flying part was great. But then I learnt on Jodels and Robin’s and preferred flying the club Robin to it’s Rallye.
The only Cessna I got to compare directly with the Rallye 880B club and the Cessna 150 when we were looking to change the fleet. IMO the Rallye was far more versatile and just felt a much better flying machine.
However, both were used and so weren’t at their new best.
Having said all that the Rallye short field performance is so impressive, it makes up for many of its downsides.


Even the manual are very dated. The performances in load are under estimated and TO/Landing are not corrected to ISA. So actually, when calculating your performances, you need to use estimated temperature, they are not corrected on ISA.
I would say that consumption will be in direct relation of the used power wrt the 180. e.g. increased by a factor of 30%, unless you reduce your power demand. 65% of 180 is roughly 50% of 235, but the Rally 235 will require a bit more power.

In fact I was interested by one the the Rally 235 laying down in Cuers, but none of them are flying… A friend also told me that they are not in very good shape – which may be the reason for which they are still here after 6 to 10 months.
In case you go to Cuers, I’ll be interested to join. Not for buying, just as a tire kicker ;).

Last Edited by greg_mp at 03 Jun 07:09
LFMD, France

maxbc wrote:

Any idea what speed / burn would the 235 have ?

The Roger Gaborieau book unfortunately doesn’t include performance figures for the 235. The president of a neighbouring club has a Minerva (220hp Franklin, CS propeller); from memory cruise is ~120kt. This website has book figures of 238kmh for the 220 and 245kmh for the 235.

EGHO-LFQF-KCLW, United Kingdom
That is indeed slow for a 6-banger, but not that much slower than a non-RG 182.

(Obviously not in the same league as Mooneys…)


Also, for reference, we had a bit of a chat about Rallye´s in this link

Socata Rallye MS.893E

A friend of mine had a Minerva 220 followed by a 235. He always reckoned that the Minerva was the much better aircraft. In the time he had the Minerva it averaged six and a half gallons per hour. That would have been imperial gallons.
He always said that there were only two aircraft for Ireland, the Rallye and the Piper cub.
This was all forty years ago.

Edit to add. Even then he thought the chances of getting a good Minerva were slim so I’d say no chance now.

Last Edited by Joe_90 at 04 Jun 22:06

maxbc wrote:

Any thoughts on this one ?

The 235 on paper seems like a good aircraft (from what I understand 4 seats, good short field etc. even IFR convertible !)

Hello @maxbc ,
After some words exchanged by email with my local mech, he confirmed they have all do tow-banner stuff for years and are grounded since 3+ years, so extensive works to do on the annual. A friend of him is trying since 4 months one one of them and is about to let down. “mauvais plan” apparently.

LFMD, France

In case you need a higher viewpoint view

LFMD, France
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