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Cessna 152 - what is so special about this plane ?

BTW those planecheck URLs will be dead very soon. This is a much better way to do it, if the advert is central to the discussion.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I too have a soft spot for 152s. I am glad my club has 2 for now.
I always dreamt to rent a 152 for several weeks in a summer and fly around Europe. Once back, my back would hurt for months but it would be great memories.

If you are a young pilot reading this, find a buddy and go do it !

LFOU, France

Dan wrote:

As far as travelling with a C150/2, as nicely pointed out by @Mooney_Driver, one can go great distance with one, as was also demonstrated by Hans Schneider who kinda went around the world with one and published his story in a book (published in 1996 German only) called Der Weg ist das Ziel : mit der Cessna durch Amerika – Asien – Australien.

By the way, probably the best ATW book I have ever read.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Peter wrote:

. This is a much better way to do it

in the the pdf i get

but the link takes me to a non-exsiting view

Dammit – it’s broken!

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Overall there are many other 2 seaters that can be bought for 60k or less that are newer, have modern avionics, have better performance and are easy to maintain.

I meant “Care to list some of those for sale?” = 60k 2 seater with modern avionics, better perf and easy maintenance.

always learning
LO__, Austria

easy maintenance

The cost of maintenance depends a lot on the details. If, as I wrote, you operate a number of them, and are smart enough to buy parts in bulk from the US…

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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