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Advice for fuel stop on the way back from LFMD to EDWF

europaxs wrote:

Two cards for BP (100 LL and UL) as well.

I had an extremely silly discussion with BP when they insisted that UL91 “was not AVGAS” and for that reason the usual card (which only says AVGAS and not 100LL) did not work.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

Also the conditions say that the card must only be used for its designated aircraft, goodness knows why

Seems like CYA with regards to mis-fuelling accidents

They used to have AVGAS ANY REG cards

Last Edited by Ibra at 31 Jan 08:06
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Two cards for BP (100 LL and UL) as well.


johnh wrote:

Didn’t know that. The application form asks for a tail number and a whole bunch of other details. Also the conditions say that the card must only be used for its designated aircraft, goodness knows why.

For Total, make sure you get both the 100LL and UL91 card if you plan to use both. The Total UL91 card will not work in a 100LL pump, I unfortunately found out on a trip to Toulouse. Now I have both Total cards – pretty silly.

Fly more.
LSGY, Switzerland

You can get an ANY card

Didn’t know that. The application form asks for a tail number and a whole bunch of other details. Also the conditions say that the card must only be used for its designated aircraft, goodness knows why.

LFMD, France

AirBP card is specific to the aircraft

See the AIR BP thread. You can get an ANY card. I have one.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

owever I have often found that the pump still cannot be operated without assistance. Sometimes due to French instructions (despite being a UK issued card, it starts English and later switched to French due to bad software) and sometimes because there is some hidden switch.

I guess the needs for Fuel Card depends which airports one flies to? from where? what seasons or times?

For automate instructions, I don’t think it’s a big show stopper, getting assistance to help reading an automate is easy compared to arranging for refueller at 9pm or 1pm?

The instructions glitch is also a problem when refuelling cars, most holiday makers manage it just fine at 11pm when the shops are closed…

Having a card is always better !

How? The idea of fuel cards when flying in ripoff /scammer places (most of the 3rd world) is that you do not get a surprise.

You get charged hookup fees, different litres amounts, minimum amounts…where with credit card you pay what you get

Last Edited by Ibra at 30 Jan 18:31
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom
No need to be the owner to get one.

I guess that’s true but an AirBP card is specific to the aircraft so you wouldn’t really want to get one for every plane you MIGHT fly.

That’s not the case for Total.

LFMD, France

Seems to me that having fuel cards (WF, Total, BP…) is necessary when flying around Europe

TOTAL seems useful for flying within the “grass strip” scene in France, and the avgas is often cheaper than from a bowser. Otherwise not needed; I don’t have one.

AIR BP is useful in larger places in France. However I have often found that the pump still cannot be operated without assistance. Sometimes due to French instructions (despite being a UK issued card, it starts English and later switched to French due to bad software) and sometimes because there is some hidden switch.

Everywhere else takes normal credit cards.

with fuel card you may get surprises

How? The idea of fuel cards when flying in ripoff /scammer places (most of the 3rd world) is that you do not get a surprise.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Seems to me that having fuel cards (WF, Total, BP…) is necessary when flying around Europe

It also allow locking a fuel quote before landing, when someone comes to help with fuelling there is a random spread on price, always positive though

If it’s JetA truck, using credit card is a must, with fuel card you may get surprises and you may not get the money back…

Last Edited by Ibra at 30 Jan 18:07
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom
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