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A category for aircraft?

Any other views on starting one for aircraft?

A good idea, with the potential caveat that the detailed ‘maintenance and avionics’ area covers some of the same ground. I’d guess most people will see a reasonable distinction between the two areas, and it’ll be fun to discuss certain aircraft types in terms of performance, flying qualities and ownership.

I’d ditch the instructors area, and change the name of the student pilots area to ‘pilot instruction’

Last Edited by Silvaire at 07 Oct 22:32

Some people do use the topics – I guess they don’t want to read about certain broad topics, or what to avoid the chit-chat you get in Hangar Talk. We don’t have to lose one to add a new one but it’s generally better to keep the overall number down, particularly if there are topics which are under-utilised, as bizjets and instructors are.

Any other views on starting one for aircraft?

EGTR / London, United Kingdom

I never do, always go to the ‘Active’ tab and read/write if I see something that interests me

I guess most people do. It works well for “chatting”, but not for finding older info.

The elephant is the circulation

I also never browse the categories; I just use the “What We’re Talking About” overview to see what’s discussed.
If I want to find something, I use Google to search through the EuroGA content.

What might be an idea is to have the ability to add “Labels” to a post…

I don’t know if you have any stats for that, but how many people actually use the categories ? I never do, always go to the ‘Active’ tab and read/write if I see something that interests me.

That’s me too.

EIWT Weston, Ireland

Peter & David, I don’t know if you have any stats for that, but how many people actually use the categories ? I never do, always go to the ‘Active’ tab and read/write if I see something that interests me. don’t think I’ve ever clicked one of the category tabs, except just now to see if ‘instructors’ and ‘bizjets’ really are so quiet. Seems they are.

An ‘aircraft’ section might be of interest for more in-depth tech discussions of various types, topics that might well get beyond the scope of a general debate.

Btw, is there such a thing as a ‘high-profile’ CRI? Really?

I’d say this idea has some merit.

If one is interested in the pros and cons or handling qualities of a particular type this section could be useful. Let’s for the sake of argument say one is interested in the Socata TB20GT. One could use the search function and wade through lots of ‘I flew my TB20 to Norway’ type posts. Or go straight to the Aircraft forum and look it up in the list.

As for what forum to send to the bin I don’t think it matters much. Bizjets seems to average 1-2 posts a month, Instructors just seem way to busy instructing to post at all.


Personally I dont see the need for an ‘aircraft’ section because I am not clear what would be put in there that wouldnt be of interest or better placed in ‘Hangar Talk’ or even come under ‘Flying’. Even though ‘Instructors’, ‘Student Pilots’ and ‘Bizjets’ arent used much, it makes sense to keep ‘Student Pilots’ to maybe encourage students to come here and there is a clear subject area there. Bizjets is a segragated category and would probably be missed by a few. I would say ‘Instructors’ could be removed as anything an Instructor wants to say would be interesting to people reading the other general categories, and if the high profile CRI (I am trying to think who that is) is no longer online much, then it probably isnt needed.

Why do you have to remove something?

The elephant is the circulation

I guess bizjet pilots (taking the population as a whole) are not online much …

You might be wrong here A typicial bizjet pilot’s day is A to B at 6:30 in the morning and home again at 7 in the evening with the day spent in some crew lounge or day use hotel room (or sightseeing if the send us to some interesting place which is rarely the case). Other than three years ago, free WiFi is now available almost anywhere so – I at least – have plenty of opportunities to go online during a normal workday.

Regarding which forum to drop, I am for flight instructors. There have been some interesting discussions there, but for me as an instructor for an ATPL school in EU/EASAland they are mostly pointless as I have to instruct according our approved syllabus and not according to some better wisdom gathered on the internet.

EDDS - Stuttgart
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