It’s been listed for sale for a long time.
I asked them twice just to get info on useful load. but no response.
No many hours left on the engine.,152
2008 plane, 3450hrs, 237k euros. Something not adding up there, perhaps?
Who would be clocking up 345hrs/year on a high-end Mooney, in “commercial” operation?
Peter wrote:
Who would be clocking up 345hrs/year on a high-end Mooney, in “commercial” operation?
Maybe someone hired a pilot to fly his 700-800nm weekly commute? 237k€….around one third of similarly equipped new Acclaim….
pmh wrote:
I asked them twice just to get info on useful load. but no response.
In my recent experience, about 1/3 of people who have planes listed on planecheck simply don’t answer.
That reminds me of this thread
The reason for not answering could be that the seller is basically illiterate. A lot of people dropped out of school and just don’t live their lives in the “written world” and do everything face to face or on the phone. Recently I bought a used watch from a watch dealer and when it developed trouble, I sent him some emails and eventually got a call from him saying “Peter, why bother me with these emails, just come in to the shop and talk to me, man to man”. It is perfectly possible for such a wide boy to get a PPL, with a bit of struggle with the exams…
237k€….around one third of similarly equipped new Acclaim….
They aren’t exactly, to use another idiom, flying off the shelves at the new price, however
I think the seller is a pretty good guy. Send him a Whatsapp message and I suspect you’ll get a reply inside of 5 minutes.
Mooney never got the EASA type certificate for the M20TN (they shutdown the factory in 2008) but this aircraft is EASA registered.
I’m not really sure how they got an EASA registration for it.
I think it is also the aircraft that triggered FAA AD 2012-05-09 after it almost crashed due to a failure in the empennage section.
That’s a very interesting point, @Guillaume. I wondered why this plane isn’t sold yet.
That AD is applicable to all of the M20 s now…
What is the details behind this AD – and what is the potential problem for this aircraft?
“This AD was prompted by a report of an incident on a Mooney Model M20TN airplane regarding failure of the tail pitch trim assembly and the potential for this condition to exist on other airplane models, which could result in loss of control. We are issuing this AD to correct the unsafe condition on these products.”
FYI: tail pitch trim assembly = the whole empennage on a Mooney. Look at what is missing in this picture: