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Last weekend brought a plethora of magnificent shots, airborne and groundborne. No views counter on here, but I would like to think those are enjoyed by many of us. Impressive variety of achievements published by many, thanks for that
Like probably most of us in the northern hemisphere, not much flying now, but other activities relating to GA are sure taking place.
Looks like I will start doing my annual, so hangar time!
Yesterday was a beautiful day around here…
We took the RV-8 (the “Panther”) & the Panther (“Panterli” or small Panther in dialect) South of the Alps for the customary pizza. Which was delicious, come al solito
The French speaking guys call these conditions a storm of blue skies (une tempête de ciel bleu)
Then it was back to base for some more avionics yoga…
BKN010 at LJPZ
And just one hour later before being locked in simulator again
Rally operations this afternoon, I’ll try to think of getting my phone off to take photos. Actually it’s storm of blue sky here around Nice.
Mine was the most “exciting” – I’ve done different holds superimposed over Westcott NDB. :)
Started on my night rating (again, started earlier in the year but timed out – the full 5 hour course has to be completed in a 6-month period).
Came back over the top of Gatwick EGKK at 1,500’.
Avionics yoga continued… aka engine monitoring system (EMS) replacement.
Today was a very frustrating one as I spent the better part of 6 hours (!) freeing the pins out of their 2 respective sockets using the typical sub-d connector removal tool. Broke 1 plastic one, and 3 of the metal ones. Barely managed to keep some of my sanity (“so not much left then” I hear Missis in the background…).
The ones having gone thru the ordeal of reluctant pin removal will know what i’m talking about
A good thing I’m retired as I don’t mind a few +/- days more to completion. LL sure enjoys some rest
Still here… until tomorrow…