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What have you done with, or on your aircraft, this week-end? (23-24 September 2023)

Unless some tempting mission pops up for tomorrow, no flying this WE… but RC this afternoon.

OTOH I had intended replacing my VM1000 engine monitor for some time, the goal being the ability to extract data for trouble or trend analysis. The old VM1000 is now close to 20 years old, and starting to show it’s age as the LCD screen started dying a couple of days ago… hopefully to hold good enough to attend that famous coming EuroGA fly-in
Since I’m a Garmin man, I had ordered a new EIS/map in the form of a G3X GDU470 touchscreen to complement the rest of my panel, and a big box containing all the necessary hardware is sitting next to me as I write these words. Drawing the new schematics and preparing the installation requires a few hours, the implementation itself will probably take 1-2 weeks at my leisurely pace.

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

Flying the rally again this morning, to get more confidence and precision…

LFMD, France

Started the weekend with some practice ILS approaches at Bournemouth EGHH. Slowly getting the hang of the NDB holds …

EGTF, United Kingdom

yes, no airplane flies without maintenance

ain't the Destination, but the Journey
LSZF, Switzerland

@Dan, care to show your bird(s)? Don’t tell me you don’t have an A320.

Last Edited by aart at 23 Sep 14:19
Son Alberti LEJF, Son Bonet LESB, Mallorca, Spain

I did my BFR in someone else’s Super Cub at Wellesbourne. Really nice aircraft, quite enjoy the Super Cub.

Andreas IOM

Did an hour in the Super Guépard as the DA40 overheating problem looks like might take some time to fix and a lot of money.
Still every time I fly the SG I find it more and more enjoyable.


Cleaning up my airplane after last week’s storm in Murcia…it seemed to bring all the dust in Sahara with it :(

LESB, Spain

greg_mp wrote:

Flying the rally again this morning, to get more confidence and precision…

welcome to the Rallye club!

Socata Rallye MS.893E

Was at the club this afternoon and did some paperwork for a plane. Then the Army Cub asked me to take take it for a spin, which I did Came back and did some touch and goes, and this small little thunder cloud thing was coming in from the fjord. I suck at taking pictures, especially with my phone from inside the plane, but got a few that’s not too bad. Landed just before it came on top of the airport.

The elephant is the circulation
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