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Would you use a Classifieds section on EuroGA?


My question would be what benefit Euroga would add with a classifieds section. Everyone here is aware of Planecheck where I found my plane and they will likely know Barnstormers or Aeromarkt/Trade-a-Plane.

You could add something like “trust” where you would buy from a known forumite. Contributions here would get the poster “stars” so that Peter, Alexis or Urs would be the most trusted people ;) This may save a buyer from the not so obvious fraud. Then what about a bluebook with estimates – I want to sell my plane: what value does the forum think I should advertise? You could also add a qualified prebuy service since Euroga know the respective technicians or could easily gather such data. If you also add an escrow service and have a link to a trusted and competitive insurer this would lead to an entirely new level of service.. I would pay more than EUR10 for such a service.. ;)


Why not? Right now I have nothing to sell or buy, but who knows? As already written, I would probably not want to pay 10 [currency units of your choice] either to advertise a book or a DVD but I think for anything more valuable (aeorplane, avionics, job vacancies, services, …) 10 is not too expensive.

And if the classifieds section is kept separate from the other forums, why should anyone complain? At least as long as people are not posting cross-references to the classifieds in the normal forums (" I just advertised my old headset in the classifieds! " ) as they keep doing elsewhere.

EDDS - Stuttgart

I think it is a good idea.

EGTK Oxford

Probably a good idea. Maybe also some calendar for announcing stands at particular places or anything else, shows, fly ins and so on?

The elephant is the circulation

Nope. A forum is primarily a social place to interact, discuss, exchange opinions, get answers to questions or answer them to be helpful, that’s – I guess – why most people are here.

If I want to go shopping, there are much better places to go.

Advertising in newspapers, and in social media, is primarily to raise money, not to serve the participants/readers. They are an intrusion. A classifieds section minimises that intrusion, but I don’t think it adds much.

Biggin Hill

If I want to go shopping, there are much better places to go.

That’s an interesting point.

I’d say that is very true if you are in the USA. Then you have US Ebay for odds and ends, and the usual sites for buying and selling planes. But for Europe, US Ebay is of much less value because

  • there is little trust among US buyers when it comes to a European seller
  • many sellers won’t ship outside the USA
  • the shipping charges are often outrageously inflated
  • most sellers have never heard of airmail and insist on using a ~$100 courier because that is all they ever use (probably $10 within the USA)

I have bought and sold loads on US Ebay but it takes a lot of work and you have to present the for-sale stuff just right.

We had a thread here recently (can’t find it) on which of the numerous websites are good for European buying and selling. There are loads. It’s quite fragmented.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Why don’t you “build it and they will come”?
I just posted my T182T for sale on Planecheck. For an added 10 quid I’d be interested to list her here as well..


Peter wrote:

most sellers have never heard of airmail and insist on using a ~$100 courier because that is all they ever use (probably $10 within the USA)

As posted before in other threads, the issue is that there is no useful tracking for international airmail shipments, and accordingly they tend to ‘disappear’ en route, either in reality (due to poor overseas postal service) or due to fraud by the overseas customer. Commercial shipment provides reliable on-line tracking to anywhere in the world, and that’s one reason it is much more expensive and sometimes worth the price.

mrfacts wrote:

Why don’t you “build it and they will come”?

Sounds right to me and any discussion is really just out of politeness.

However I do think it is significant to add commerce to a site that has none and I can understand those who see it as a potential intrusion in an established and pleasant part of their life. Many sites have been pre-planned to attract participants over a couple of years, then roll out commercial content. When the inevitable happens it typically makes some participants unhappy and disillusioned, regardless of the motivation. A classified section is not really that, but its going in that direction.

Last Edited by Silvaire at 05 Apr 18:35

Many sites have been pre-planned to attract participants over a couple of years, then roll out commercial content … A classified section is not really that, but its going in that direction.

This is definitely not that. As a money making enterprise EuroGA would be a complete joke, in terms of effort v reward. And besides, it would be far easier to just put Google ads on every page impression.

As for build it and they will come, I don’t want to build it (it’s some effort) and then nobody comes. Hence the question.

EGTR / London, United Kingdom


Valid point. My ad just generated close to 1.000 page views in two days. I’d be happy to bring this traffic to Euroga..

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