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JeppFD VFR connection messages

Hi all,

I’ve just started using JeppFD VFR and notice some strange behaviour. In flight mode and in flight a constant steam of connection messages appears. When i put my Ipad away and open it some time later, many connection alerts need to be acknowledged.

Anyone know how to turn these messages off?



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Last Edited by Peter at 04 May 13:27

Try turning WiFi off. I occasionally get one when I start. They don’t repeat.

Last Edited by JasonC at 04 May 15:57
EGTK Oxford

I have just looked and can’t find any config for turning the weather retrieval on/off.

That is simply bizzare, because you may well want to not do that. Turning off wifi stops all others internet apps working, or it might force the Ipad to go online via 3G (if you haven’t disabled mobile data as well) which could be awfully expensive.

They must have had a committee working out which features they should leave out. However, I find a lot of IOS apps are like that – many I have played with are crippled in the most obvious ways.

Last Edited by Peter at 04 May 16:12
Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Yes, i’ve tried to turn off Wifi and mobile connection and still get messages. Is there no way of turning these messages off within the application? If no, this needs to be looked at form Jeppesen.

Unfortunatly, turning your ipad to flight mode, switches off the GPS receiver as well!

Anyone have a solution?


I dont turn WiFi off and dont get them.Call Jepp and mention it, should be an easy fix.

EGTK Oxford

I think a ridiculous but “workable” solution is to select Air Mode and use an external bluetooth GPS. I vaguely recall that the AM does not turn off BT.

But also try turning off wifi and mobile data, and power cycling the Ipad. If you still get the messages, that is a really bad bug.

Last Edited by Peter at 04 May 17:03
Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom
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