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Ultralight in Portugal, and how to get the UL license in English

Hello all,

Recently moved from Canada to Portugal and wanted to go back to flying Ultralights/Microlights. I will have to redo the training as this type of licence can’t be converted from other countries. The big issues I have are Language and regulations.
1. Language – The written exam is done in the local language and since I don’t speak Portugese, Spanish, French or German, I am unable to pass.
2. Regulation – Portugal and Spain are both still under old rules of 425/472KG for ultralight vs Germany, France and a few others who have gone to 600KG (MTOW)

I really don’t want to spend the time/money on the PPL(A) or LAPL in order to fly and ultralight. My goal is to buy a Pipistrel or Flight Design that is registered as an ultralight (with the 525 or 600 KG MTOW) so I am able to do my own maintenance.

Any ideas on how to solve the exam problem? I spoke with a UK school but they could not say for sure if I can fly and keep t UK registered plane in the EU. I have to hold the licence where the plan will be registered as an ultralight pilot.


LPPM / LFBL, Portugal

Wingover wrote:

I really don’t want to spend the time/money on the PPL(A) or LAPL in order to fly and ultralight.

AFAIK a PPL(A) or LAPL does not allow flying an ultralight. You need a wholly different licence for that, although holding one gives some credit towards to the training to the other.


I understand. I would like to do the ULM (ultralight licence) but not sure how to deal with the written exam and language

LPPM / LFBL, Portugal

lionel wrote:

AFAIK a PPL(A) or LAPL does not allow flying an ultralight. You need a wholly different licence for that, although holding one gives some credit towards to the training to the other.

As ultralights are nationally regulated that depends on national rules. National authorities can allow PPL/LAPL holders to fly UL aircraft.

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

That IS a problem.

But how are you going to get on in Portugal (with things other than flying) if you don‘t speak Portugese?

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

Airborne_Again wrote:

As ultralights are nationally regulated that depends on national rules. National authorities can allow PPL/LAPL holders to fly UL aircraft.

Do you know of national authorities that do?


Do you know of national authorities that do?

UK for Microlights subject to difference training (on fixed wings, it will be daft to jump into wing-shifts or gyrocopters even if rules allows it but if it’s a single seater all you need is courage )

Last Edited by Ibra at 21 Mar 20:35
Paris/Essex, France/UK, United Kingdom

Guys, I am learning Portuguese but it will take a long time before I can write a technical language exam. I would like to start flying now. My current licence is equivalent to Microlight, not LAPL so it’s not a straight conversion.

There is a UK school in Portugal who teach NPPL but I am not sure if it’s possible for me to keep a G registered plane in the EU now and fly with a UK licence.

I just don’t want to spend 10-15K on a PPL

LPPM / LFBL, Portugal

You can keep a foreign reg plane in most European countries but if it is non-certified (e.g. Annex 1, UL) then various local rules come in, and generally this situation has become more restricted in recent years. @aart will know the Spanish and possibly Portugese situation on this.

The NPPL is largely useless outside the UK; only France may accept it (see my other post today and links there). Even a UK issued EASA LAPL is useless.

Culturally speaking you won’t get far down there unless you speak the local language.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

@Peter, I was reading your other post and thank you for your reply. I was told that for LAPL, the exam is in English (anywhere in the EU) so that might be my only option to go flying quickly. I will look into that.

LPPM / LFBL, Portugal
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