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UK CAA Changes

I see and hear of increased costs and beauracarcy almost every day. The CAA has a management crisis, they have loads of people with no relevant knowledge running around like a bunch of headless chickens. They have pissed off all their technical staff, there is little or no supervision of the poor souls trying hard to do a good job at the industry interface and all this is presided over by a railway guru and a sandwhich lady!

•Relaxed rules in cost sharing (similar to the German model?)

Do you have any more specific info? I don’t know much about the German model, only the Swedish one, and it would be interesting to see if it differs as well.

Is this what they are referring to? From COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 245/2014 of 13 March 2014

2. Notwithstanding the privileges of the holders of licences as defined in Annex I to this Regulation, holders of pilot licences issued in accordance with Subpart B or C of Annex I to this Regulation may carry out flights referred to in Article 6(4a) of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012. This is without prejudice to compliance with any additional requirements for the carriage of passengers or the development of commercial operations defined in Subparts B or C of Annex I to this Regulation.’

There is no Article 6(4a) in Reg 965; they probably mean Article 6 (1a) – which refers to CAT A to A! The Commission’s intent is clearly to allow ‘introductory flights’ to be conducted by PPL and LAPL holders. This has the porential to open up another can of worms!

I downloaded the PDF, and copied the address. It no longer works. The OPs link also does not work. A search for “CAA General Aviation work” in the CAA site seems unsuccessfull. Was this document an April Fool hoax? The small w on the title seems strange.

EGPE, United Kingdom

Disappearing PDFs seem to be getting common… after that EASA FCL one the other day.

Anyway I found a copy and put it in my own space here.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

I’d saved it to my computer – but have become suspicious. Are you sure it’s genuine? There’s no ref number on it.

EGPE, United Kingdom

I have my doubts too that this is genuine. There is no reference, the use of language in places is questionable to say the least and the whole informal nature of the document (no date, reference etc.) just smacks of a wind-up?

The original URL is this

which is genuine enough unless somebody hacked the CAA server and planted it.

the use of language in places is questionable to say the least

Welcome to Great Britain

The CAA has always had individuals in it publishing their own agenda views. They used to write for the two esteemed organs called GASIL and GASCO and a popular theme was GPS=DEVIL. Most of their Safety Sense leaflets were written in the same way; they contain a lot of good stuff but also a lot of pompous nonsense which would never get past a peer review done by pilots who actually fly.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

There is no Article 6(4a) in Reg 965; they probably mean Article 6 (1a) – which refers to CAT A to A!

No, they don’t mean that! I wrote to EASA and asked. The answer:

The regulation referenced in Regulation (EU) No 245/2014 has not been amended yet. However, this should happen soon. Therefore you cannot find this Article covering the issue of “cost sharing” flights in Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 at this moment.

In other words, we don’t know what they actually mean until 965/2012 is also amended. It defies belief!

ESKC (Uppsala/Sundbro), Sweden

It’s now available at:

EGPE, United Kingdom
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