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To the end of the world

Utterly inspiring! Thank you!

An American earthrounding lady said in lecture at Sywell that the great advantage of the Mooney was that the door is wide enough to get an oil drum onto the back seat, yet leaving the seat in place for sightseeing trips along the way.

EGBW / KPRC, United Kingdom

Nice trip! What terrifies me more than anything is really dense Amazonian jungle, so I could never do this. But I’m glad people like you do so we can live vicariously through you!

After the 252 came one more, the “Encore”, which was even more refined. (10 more horesepower and 230 more lbs of highly needed useful load). I had the pleasure of flying one of those (rare) birds some years ago (N20VR). A wonderful machine.

Mainz (EDFZ) & Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany

That‘s funny, i have once flown N20VR when it was still brand new and with the dealer. Great airplane.

Thank you all! And sorry for being back a little late, we had an AVGAS adventure here in Manaus, but now tanks are full again…

WhiskeyPapa wrote:

Will you do any dancing in Argentina (tango) or just eat big steaks???

If you had ever seen me dancing you wouldn’t ask ;-) So it’ll be steaks only, already practicing here in Brazil!

RobertL18C wrote:

Great trip report and a very fine Mooney – might you share some details on the model and avionics? It looks like you carried out all the planning and research.

One day I hope to carry out Cartagena to Ushuaia…but on a push bike , and single engine.

Roland and Urs already answered about the Mooney, here is a thread where I posted about the panel upgrade.

We did planning, research and the permits all our self. We have some remote help here in Brazil as we don’t speak Portuguese and it’s not easy to get along with Spanish (let alone English) here.

Cartagena to Ushuaia is really far, Columbia, Brazil and Argentina, all in full length. If you ever do that please let me know!

dublinpilot wrote:

If you have more photos of Greenland, I’d love to see them!

I’m afraid I don’t have any more worth posting from this trip, Colm, but I have a few from last time which I think are pretty nice. I’ll post them in the random pictures thread…

BTW we’re off for some jungle sightseeing the next days, so no flying. I’ll report back once there is something to tell.


Last Edited by terbang at 26 Sep 20:10
EDFM (Mannheim), Germany

Outstanding !! Keep us posted !
Do you plan to fly your Mooney back the way you came ? Back to Germany ?

LFOU, France

Yes, @Jujupilote we will fly back home. Not exactly the same route, but NAT again.

EDFM (Mannheim), Germany
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