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Cranfield EGTC - imploding

Silvaire is spot on

MBA courses are a joke nowadays. The univ needs the fee income, so Masters students can more or less get lecturers to do the work for them. Or just get them written by moonlighting lecturers, for say £100 an essay. How do I know? I know somebody who used to teach this stuff at Masters and PhD level.

A PhD can’t be totally cheated yet (because there is an oral exam) but it can come very close if the candidate is willing to bang away at the door for several years past their sell-by date.

Cranfield will be no exception. Foreign students is where the money is, and their expectations are high, and they will be met.

Shoreham EGKA, United Kingdom

Our syndicate, consisting mainly of people living within 15 minutes drive of Cranfield, voted 14 to 1 this week to move away. All other suitable airfields are at least twice as far away in time. That probably tells you what you need to know about the current situation at Cranfield.

strip near EGGW
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